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Yoongi's P.O.V

"I'll be your lover one one will have you."

I looked upon my window and wondered who would be my prince? Who would I get to love in the future? Who is destined to be mine forever? Will he be a vampire? All these  questions run through my brain and they embed themselves into my mind. They cause me to change mentally and emotionally. I come from a family of Vampires and they only want me to marry in the family. They know about my sexuality they want me to be happy but at the same time only marry a vampire. But I have a different outlook on that particular situation. I don't think I should marry a vampire and only a vampire. Hopefully I can find love in someone interesting. It would be weird if I dates another vampire. I'd be dating another me. Oh one thing I forgot to mention, My name is Min Yoongi, I am 18 years old and I hope to find the one for me soon.

A few hours passed and a maid came to my room and delivered some news to me. "Prince Yoongi, you're parents need to see you in your father's office." The maid left and ran down the hall. "O-Okay!" I poked out of the door and watched her run off. I pushed it away and walked to my Fathers office. "Hello son." I walked in and sat down.  "Mom? dad? What is this about?" I questioned.

"As you know your mother and I have been ruling for a very long time and we need a break. So we'll be going on a well deserved vacation. So you are in charge. Your siblings are to listen to you and respect you at all times." I felt my legs begin to shake as the words left my Fathers mouth. "I-I can't handle the whole kingdom alone! Especially being that I'll be making the decisions!" My mother let out a chuckle. "Relax your older cousin Seokjin will help you watch over the kingdom." Before I could say anything my father spoke. "Besides you have to find a husband, if you fail to do so before we get back, we'll arrange your marriage and I know you don't want that. So you have until we get back which is in 5 months." I felt a weight being dropped onto my shoulders. "We leave tonight so we'll say our goodbyes then." I nodded and ran out. I needed to clear my head so I ran to the lake. I arrived at the lake and dipped my feet into the icy water. It was only the beginning of March, but it got hot fast. While I was deep in my thoughts I saw a male sitting a mere 4 feet away from me at the start of the lake. He was a beautiful male with (H/l) (H/c)(H/t) hair. He had large (E/c) eyes and at the moment they were filled with tears. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hello, I'm why are you crying?" I asked and he looked up. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were here I'll go..." the male stood up and started to walk off. I quickly grabbed his arm and hugged him. "Please don't cry...i don't like to see people cry, especially cute boys like you." The males cheeks turned a light pink and I smiled. "What's your name?"

"My name is (Y/n)...(L/n)(Y/n)"

A/n I hope you all enjoyed this prologue, I'm sorry for my sudden disappearance but I'll be updating my books more often now so be on the look our, also I have a new book coming out In March so be ready, anyways make sure to vote and comment on this chapter let me know what you think! Bye lovess

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