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"Final choice"

3rd Person P.O.V

The twins stared at their mothers grave. Now they have seen it for what felt like the very first time in years. Now they were 15. They had both started high school. Soomin was in a happy relationship. Jihun was happy at school. Even though their mom died a long time ago talking about his death was still very heavy in the home. Yoongi made it a rule to not talk about him unless it was his birthday or some other important reason.

Yoongi hasn't dated anyone. He wasn't even going to try to look for one. The person he wanted to grow old with died before they could even see their grand children. Yoongi had raised the twins on his own. His father had died a few years after (Y/n) and that was too a sensitive topic. Yoongi just wished everything could go back to the way it was.

It was hard not being able to move on but Yoongi would get there. He just wasn't ready to do that yet. The two sat down by their mothers grave and felt a little better knowing that itbwas kept in the best shape it could be kept in. "You have memories of mom right?" Jihun asked to his sister. "Yeah they were great." She smiled. "I just wished he wouldn't have left us so soon." Tears fell from her eyes. "But I know he is watching us from wherever." Jihun nodded. "Yeah and he will make sure we're okay." He hugged his sister.

As a spirit, (Y/n) watched his two kids. 'I love you both' he thought and put his arms around them even though he knew they couldn't feel it. 

"One day mom we will see you again." Soomin spoke and stood up. She put a rose by her mothers grave and so did Jihun. They then took one last glance at her grave before leaving the graveyard and heading home. And that is where that story ends. Hopefully this will open a new adventure for the twins. And whatever the battle, they will fight together.

A/n: That's all folks... Lol I hope you enjoyed the epilogue. This book is finished but let me know if you want a book about the twins. Comment below. Don't be afraid to read one of my other stories. I recommend reading my Jungkook x Male reader if you haven't already!

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