Carnivores don't say goodbye.

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Kufufufu~ are you impressed with my fast updates?~ whelp here you go I better get a WHOLE lot of comments for my hard work and more HIBARI LOVE <3 love you guys and Fairytales123 you happy nao?!

Name POV

You woke up feeling completely safe and warm. Should you get up? You mused quietly. Your eyes drank in the sight before you. Pale flawless skin closed eyes with dark eyelashes and light pink lips, strong angular jaw. Soft raven strands fell over his closed eyes and he breathed quietly. one arm was wrapped around your waist protectively pressing you tightly against him, the other under you head almost as though to act like a pillow.

You smiled gently. You had definitely missed this. Waking up in Hibari's arms. Unfortunately today was the day your parents were coming back so you would need to go home and clean up and make it seem like you were at least there for a little while. When you attempted to untangle yourself from his warm embrace his once peaceful face turned into a small scowl and his grip on you tightened. You dropped a light kiss on his cheek. Steel blue eyes snapped open and blinked drowsily.

"I hope you weren't trying to leave again herbivore. After waking up alone for the past week Im not letting go of you today." His voice husky with sleep sent pleasant shivers up your spine. Hibari smirked as if knowing the effect he had on you. Soft fingertips brushed the hair out of your eyes and you sighed.

"I have to go though. My parents are coming back today" " warm" you mumbled as you cuddled further into his arms and hibari certainly didn't mind.

Time skip brought to you by namimori's (not so demonic when with you) demon~

"Bye Kyoya thanks for dropping my off." You sighed having to leave so soon. You almost missed him already (Risu- haha so whipped! *tonfa'ed*).

"Aren't you forgetting something herbivore?" Hibari smirked sexily.

"Hmmm... Alright" you leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips, just as he leaned closer you pulled away."bye Kyoya~" you moved to unlock the door.

"Not acceptable herbivore" he leaned closer and whispered hotly in your ear. but before you could protest he had pressed his lips against yours. He lifted his arms to trap you against the door while kissing you passionately. You melted unable to resist his soft lips and brought your hands up to tangle them in his soft obsidian hair. He let out a hum of approval before pressing you impossibly closer. You slowly pulled away, dazed, faces so close your noses touched and you felt his warm breath on your face.

"Wao." He smirked, satisfied.

"Sh-shut up, did I tell you to ah!" You squeaked as he trailed light kisses from your neck to your jaw and finally your lips.
And finally his steel orbs met yours.

"And that's how carnivores kiss"

"Since when did carnivores kiss herbivores?"

"Only my herbivore."

And then you slammed the door in his face.

Extended ending.

Cleaning the house you sighed. Ugh damn him for plaguing your thoughts every freaking moment of the day.

"Herbivore, you're spilling the water."

You gasped almost dropping the cup altogether. You glared at him accusingly,
"How did you get in-!"

"Only a herbivore like you would leave the keys under the doormat. If you're not careful-" he leaned closer and licked your ear "-a carnivore will come and bite you to death."


"Name! We're home!"

Aw crap.

(Hibari Kyoya x Reader) Loving a Herbivore.Where stories live. Discover now