Chapter Nine

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Save me 1/2

I was in my house studying  when my mom called  me,  she said that we were going to a company  party,  another  one,  but we only  went to one a year so I bet this one might be important.

I got dressed  with a simple dress and left  my room,  I saw my parents  in there room making  out,  And I let a small cough  and they look at me,  they laugh and leave their room,  then we go outside to our car,  and go to the party.

When we got there I see the Santoro family  with Ryan,  I smile a little  but then I see the Gambone family looking  at me and our car,  and my smile fades away.

When I got out of the car I went directly  to Ryan,  He was hiding  in one of the trees  in the near the house so I went to look for him.

When I got there I saw him laying  in the floor and with his hands behind  his head,  his eyes were closed and his lips were slightly  opened,  I looked  at him for a while then bursted  out laughing,  and he then woke up looking  mad.

"What are you laughing  at?!?!?!" he asked while I laugh  again

"You just look so cute*sigh*" I told him and he stood  up

When he stood up he carried  me bridle style  and put me on the grass and got on top me,  he had a smirk,  I kinda like that smirk but at the same time I hate it,  cause I don't know the meaning of when he uses  it,  and I hate not knowing  something.

He then kissed  me softly,  I was still  a little mad not knowing  what the smirk means and  I didn't  respond to the kiss,  after  a while I was calm and responded  to the kiss I put my hand around  his neck as his hands trailed down to my shoulders to my waist.

His hands then went to my thighs and be slowly  kissed  my neck,  I grabbed  his and messed  it,  I had this weird feeling, I wanted  him to stop but at the same time I wanted  him to continue,  suddenly  a hear a loud  gasp.

I looked  to see who it was,  it was my mom and Dad and the Gambone family  as well,  they all looked at us shocked  at how I was capable  of doing  this  things.

We fixed  ourselves  and stood  up,  I looked  at my mom that looked  so mad,  my dad also looked mad,  I looked  at Ryan  and he had a smirk again, I looked at Gambone  family  and they were Sad,  except for there son.

"That's  it,  I'm done with you doing  everything  you want" my mom said looking  at Dad and nodding

"Sir Gambone,  my daughter  will marry  your son,  Alberto" My dad said looking  at mister Gambone

I just stood there shocked  and I looked  at Ryan,  his face was pale and his eyes were wide open,  he looked  horrified.

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