No limits to dream.

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I stand in the sidewalk as though I suddenly lost my way. I am burdened with a bag on my left shoulder and I am holding on to my little brother's hand as though it's my lifeline with my right hand.  I think it must hurt , the way I hold his little hand , but he doesen't complain . There isn't much in the bag . Some fresh garlic bread wrapped in foil , two bottles of water , a woolen scarf  , my dark green jacket and the house keys . It was early november and I expected the snow soon . I'm glancing at the garden or what used to be one . Now it's just dried dirty grass ,rotting flowers ,stray dogs and wild mosses along with some of those plants that grow in places like this. It wasn't always like this or as long as I remember. I still have glimpses of those days. Three feet tall ,sea green eyes picking lavenders and bluebells and singing happily . No cares , no worries , but now it's quite hard to believe that flowers grew in this trash ground . 

" Lexie ?" , my younger brother calls me patting my hand.

" We're going Dan" ,  I say and nod reassuringly .

He smiles . The only thing I'm certain I care about in this world is him.

I bow down and kiss his head . He is adorable . He is  just about five. Dirty blonde hair and overgrown bangs , he has green eyes too but they  are pale , very pale. They have quite a magical effect ; those green eyes. It so often reminded me of Mama.

" You need a haircut " , I tell him swiping his bangs to the left .

"Will you do it today ?" , he asks .

"We'll see " , I reply .

We walk . It's still  quite early in the morning . You don't see the place crowded until about 10 'o clock .

"Where is mom ?" , Dan asks me .

I look at him almost emotionless. I've been dreading it forever now because the truth was even I didn't know and I didn't want to accept that I didn't.

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