The third grave

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I've reached home . Half running , half racing .

I don't think you'll call this a house but it's all I've got . One big room ; the tattered old bed on one corner , a fairly good cupboard rescued from the trash on another. There isn't much furniture ; an old table balanced on several chunks of wood and a single chair with a missing leg. There is a small space for cooking and another door with a torn latch that opens to the bath area . There is no pipes there just three buckets of water taken from the lake a few metres above our "house".

Dan eats the other piece of garlic bread after his several failed attempts to make me eat it.

I've pulled the torn blanket over us and I pull Dan closer . As I force my eyes shut , I know one thing , " I'll have no sleep tonight ".


Two graves , dying roses scattered about  , me all alone and then another grave much smaller that's now postioned itself next to two. The thombstone reads "Daniel Pamer "

"N-O!" , I wake up screaming. I haven't had such nightmares in a while .

Dan is surprisingly still sleeping. I place his head on my lap and gently kiss his forehead. 

He slowly opens his sleepy eyes and puts his hand on my cheek wet with tears.

"Did you see it again ?' , He asks .

I nod . I don't think I can speak.

"Don't cry ." " I will never go away without you ", He swears.

He puts his little arms around my neck and I some how make to morning hugging him.


I'll reach Stone Mansion a bit late today. I had already warned Andrew on that matter. I've got to go grocery shopping for myself and Dan .

I take a few bills  from my month's pay and stuff it into my pockets. Dan has woken and I make porridge for him . After all the usual morning chores I and Dan head towards the market place.

The market place isn't very huge . Just a street place with a number of big and small shops. 

I buy a few cheap vegetables. We don't buy fruits here , it's very expensive . I occasionally  pluck fruits from the wild trees ,when I go to the lake to fill water . 

Then some flour , grain , wheat and rice in small amounts.

I see Erica . She's carrying the bag of grains on her back into the shop. I know her  . She's about 20 years of age .  Long wavy red hair , light brown eyes and light complexion . Her mom died a long while back and her dad lost his legs fighting  war . She looks after him and her other two siblings ; Chloe and Oliver who are a bit younger to me . I've admired her for long and I particularly can't believe she's the same girl who cried when I snatched her marigolds' .

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