Childish Thoughts (1)

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As you know autism Is yet a disorder which restricts them to socialize by themselves...
Many people thinks to themselves why would god create such disorders, disease,etc like that.. Just me too I don't know why..

Philips Borden had suffered to autism too.. Lets go to the story.

Philips was just and ordinary yet extraordinary as he differs from us... But yet they said no one is different from us.. Yes indeed that's true

Philips was about to go to school with his parents and yet Philips ask "Mom are you sure he's here"
It was actually Philips friend who can understand him from certain ways of communication..

And it was yet he saw Jerald Poui
How greatful he was to see his friend 'a one and only' 
It was time to introduce everybody in the class it was Philips turn he nervously walked down the stairs when all eyes locked onto him but he never knew that the bully In his old school was there shouting "HE HAS AUTISM"
As everybody didn't even laugh he said again"why aren't you laughing" and one student said
"Why would we laugh if he has autism?" As slowly the bully sat down and it was time for Philips to introduce as if he was stuttering "M-my N-na-me is Phi-Philips Bor-den" and the teacher said OK thank you you may now sit down.
It was recess time. As Philips tried to get out of the door the bully blocked him"can't get through me huh!" Jerald said"just don't mess with him" Philips nodded...
To be continued...

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