A girl named Clara Johnson who likes to spend her time alone. She then discover a huge secret that her parents had hidden a long time. She dig and dig the secret and the secret becomes her most fascinating discovery..
Hey guys! It has been a long time since I write this story. I suddenly have the mood to writ a new chapter for this story. The story is my most precious achievement so, I'll do this chapter. Thanks for voting the story and read them. Well, if you did. Anyway, let's get down to the main thing shall we?
I wake up to see Henry lying down beside me on our bed. I just smile as I just ruffle my hangs through his hair as I say,"Hey, it's morning. Wake up sleepy head." He opens his eyes a bit and close them back after he sees me. He just hugs me tightly as he says,"I'm too lazy. Don't go yet." I just giggle after swing how childish he is. Seriously. Then we hear someone come in. We turn around to see a girl and a boy look at us. We jut smile at them. "Hey guys.. Heh.." Henry just manage to say the three words. Yes, the three siblings are my children. The first one is a girl name Catherine. She is very stylish for her age.
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Then there is my son name David. He is guide shy. Just like me when I was a little kid. Oh, the kid in his hands is our one and only cat name DC. Well, the kids find the cat in the forest so they bring it home and name him by their names which 'D' from David while 'C' from Catherine.
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Both the kids look at Henry and I and say in reunion,"We're hungry. Make some food. No time for kissing." My jaw dropped as my face turns dark red. Henry quickly deny it by saying,"You guys wait for us. And we are NOT kissing!" Catherine just smirk and walk towards the kitchen with David following him while saying,"Yeah,Yeah whatever. Make it quick if you're gonna do it~" Henry's face starts to turn so red that it could be notice by anyone who sees it. Same goes to me. Henry quickly shout,"CATHERINE! DON'T YOU DARE TO RUN AWAY!" He was about to jump out of the bed when I just grab his wrist and whisper,"Don't try to catch her. She might fall when running." He just sigh as he leans towards me and give me a quick kiss. I just smile as I say, "I have to prepare the breakfast. You get ready too." He just nod and walk to the bathroom. I walk to the kitchen to see Catherine and David talking. Right after they see me, they quickly stop talking and say,"Done kissing? Gosh.. Get a room." My face turns red as I just say, "You shouldn't be talking like that. You experience it too when you are adult." David then ask wit an innocent face,"How are we created?" I was a bit shock. What should I say to him? Crap. Suddenly, Henry comes out from the room while walking towards me and just say, "When you are an adult, you practically will understand. Trust me." He suddenly grab the back of my head and kiss me. My face turns even more red now.
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"Seriously. Get a room." Henry and I just laugh. Knowing that our daughter is always like this. Henry then go towards Catherine and pinch her cheeks while saying, "If we do get a room, you and David are going to miss us~ Isn't it?" Catherine quickly shook her head. Again, David ask another question with an innocent face, "If you guys get a room, what do you do in there?" I just sigh as I thought to myself, "I hope I could survive with these kids. They are asking questions that even I can't answer."
That's all. Hope you like it~ Sorry for suddenly updating a new part. Ja, sayounara~ =D