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This was it, the promise that Harry was going to break, and that wasn't the only thing he was breaking.

He was forced to come back home and never return to Zayn's house.

Zayn was quietly eating his cereal, or more like watching his food get soggy.

Harry cleared his throat and focused on Zayn.

"Uh. I have to leave, I can't live off of you Zayn. "

Zayn stopped looking at his cereal and looked up at Harry.

"No. Stay here with me. I love you Harry. If you leave... when will I ever see you again?" Zayn asked, pulling the guilt card.

That pained Harry a little, remembering his mother's orders of never going back to the "secret" place that he's been staying at.

"Uh.. I'm just going to pay my mom a visit. It's not like I'm staying there for good."

Zayn got up and put his bowl in the sink, ignoring Harry's presence.

Or maybe the liar's presence.



"I'm sorry, " Harry mumbled and put his arms around Zayn's waist.

"Oh that's cool. Hey how is the weather man? " Zayn replied quickly, avoiding eye contact.

"Uh wha-"

Harry's phone began ringing, making Zayn turn around and lean against the wall and fold his arms.

Harry's mum was calling, so he picked up the phone.

"Hey mother...
I'll be there...
Wait he's there!?
No I will not...
You can't do this! Are you that selfish!?
I hate you."

Harry hung up his phone and threw it at the wall where Zayn was, making him flinch.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE MAD YOU'RE TRYING TO THROW YOUR DAMN PHONE AT ME!?" Zayn growled and took a step towards Harry.

"I know that you're staying there with your precious mum, I heard everything last night. And the fact that you tried to take me out to 'spend more time with me ' so you feel less guilty about leaving me is so low Harry. " Zayn spat and walked closer to Harry.

"Fucking stay then."

Harry gave Zayn a dirty look and left the house without saying another word to him.

Zayn bit back tears and put on a coat, getting ready to follow Harry.


Zayn was outside Harry's house house, peeking through the window to see what was going on.

He heard yelling and Harry crying.

"I'm sorry mum I just didn't want to come back to this hellhole!! He rapes me everytime I come here! " , Harry sobbed, breaking Zayn's heart.

That's when it hit Zayn.

Harry didn't want to leave him, but he was forced to.

Zayn started getting angry when he saw a drunk man grab Harry by his shoulders and pull his pants down, his sick mother watching.

She had no emotion on her face, but there were tears falling down.

Harry tried to push the man off of him, but he wasn't strong enough.

"Dad STOP! Mom help me! "

His mother shook her head and started crying.

That was the last straw for Zayn, his parents were disgusting.

He took the knife out of his back pocket and busted Harry's door down.

"Get off of him you sick fucker!", Zayn growled and punched Harry's father in the face.

He tried to stab him but the man had quick reflexes and stopped the knife
from hitting him.

The drunken man pushed Zayn onto the ground, making him hit his head.

Zayn groaned and opened his eyes, but when he opened his eyes he saw the sick father holding the knife inches away from him.

"Get the fuck off of me! "

He didn't listen, no... All he did was plunge the knife into Zayn's stomach.

Zayn gasped and looked down at the knife that was deep in him and that's when he got dizzy.

He knew this was it. This was how he was going to go.

After that thought he heard a loud gunshot and saw a blurry Harry screaming and crying running towards him.

"Zayn! Don't die on me!"

Zayn weakly smiled and gripped Harry's hand, before he saw darkness.

@/N : 😭😭😭

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