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Three years later

This was the day that Zayn and Harry were going to officially tie the knot.

Doniya was next to her younger brother, fixing up his soft black hair into a do.

Over the years, Zayn did get his side fringe cut, and let his hair grow out on both sides.

His sister slicked his hair back and left a few strands of hair to hang loose on his forehead.

"I can't believe that you're getting married Zayn! Oh my! If mum and dad were—"

Doniya stopped talking when she noticed Zayn grimace at the mention of their parents.

They disowned him when they met Harry, and ever since that... Zayn hasn't talked to the two in years.

Doniya smiled sympathetically at the taller boy and kissed his right cheek, leaving a red lipstick mark on it.

"Mom, dad, I have some news for you," Zayn started slowly and took a seat on the couch across from his parents.

His father nodded his head and looked from Zayn, to Doniya, then his eyes drifted onto the nervous boy with green eyes.

Yaser raised his eyebrow and looked back at his only son in curiosity.

"Uh.. I- I'm, I'm uh- gay... This right here is Harry, my finance, " Zayn stuttered and pointed at Harry.

The poor boy was shaking—not daring to look up, so Zayn hugged his finance and told him that everything was going to be okay.

But it wasn't.

"You're what?! " , Yaser roared and stood up, his wife copying his action.

Zayn sort of expected this reaction, that's why he wasn't fazed by the two.

Zayn's eyes were hooded, and he only held onto his lover tighter.

"Dad come on, Zayn can't control—"

"—You shut up Doniya! Why are you even taking up for this faggot!? Zayn Javadd Malik—wait.. Why am I even calling you Malik? You're not my son. No family member of mine will be gay.... I can't believe this. It was you, wasn't it?! " , he spat and walked over to Harry.

"Get one more step closer to me old man, I dare you to. I will fuck you up, " Harry threatened and stood up, being a few feet away from the older man.

Zayn stepped in front of Harry and faced his father who was staring at him as if he were a piece of shit next to a dumpster.

Before anything could happen, the door opened and revealed Zayn's other two sisters who walked in the house giggling.

Their eyes widened and huge smiles grew on their faces when they saw Zayn.

"Zaynie!!! " , they both screamed and ran towards Zayn, but Yaser stop them from getting anywhere near him.

"Girls, stay away from this fag and the queer who turned him gay, " Yaser said with venom in his voice.

Waliya and Safaa stared at their father in disbelief, and Waliya caught the tears in her mother's eyes.

"What's wrong with that? " , Safaa asked in confusion, Waliya nodding behind her younger sister.

The girls looked at their brother who was holding hands with his finance, and they both mentally cooed at the sight.

✔[Zarry Stylik ] Stockholm Syndrome ✔Where stories live. Discover now