⚡Chapter 8⚡

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"Dawn, just the girl I want to see." Joe's voice came from the lab doors as I look up from where I was standing behind the DNA testing machine.

"Hi Joe, what can I do for you?" I asked as he came towards me before looking at me weirdly. "What?"

"I didn't know you wear glasses." He said pointing to my eyes as I chuckled before nodding my head and push them higher up my nose.

"Oh yeah, I only use them when I work with evidence and with small things, and also on the computer," I said as he nods his head before giving me a yellow folder.

"I want you to analyze these evidence we found of the new victim." He said as I look down at the folder and open it up.

"Sure I will get started as soon as I finish with the Mardon brothers case.

"You can close it." He said as I look at him and frowned. "They are both dead."

"What! How?"

"When the particular accelerator went off they were in a plane heading out of the city when lightning struck the plane and it went down. We didn't find any bodies just dust. So we assume they were burnt to dust." He said as I nod before closing the Mardon brothers folder and placing it in the cabin behind me, where we store all the case files. "Right so I will let you get to work. If you find anything let me know."

"Will do so," I said as he walked out of the lab. I signed as I lean back in my chair placing my glasses on the folder as I rub my eyes. Barry hasn't cine to work this week since the department gave him off so I was still stuck alone. I put my glasses back on and open the file as I look at the pictures that were taken at the crime scene.

The victim is male, in his late thirties. From the looks of the picture, it seems as if he looks like a mummy. But that's impossible, right? I only got a police report form as I frowned wondering where the evidence was, probably still at Rick's. I close the folder as I stood up from my chair and head out the lab with my phone in my lab coat and the folder in my left hand. I head down the stairs and made a left turn to round the corner and walk to the Medical Examiner office that sat at the end of the hallway.

I knock on the door twice before entering the office as I saw Rick standing over a body not far from me. Rick was tall and well-built figure. He had black hair and green eyes. He wore a blue coat to protect his clothes from the blood.

"Hey, Rick," I said getting his attention as he looks up at me and smiled

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"Hey, Rick," I said getting his attention as he looks up at me and smiled.

"Hey, Dawn." He said and move backward from the body as I walk towards him so I was standing opposite from him. "So what you got for me?"

"Ah yes, the mummy victim." He said and handed me a pair of white gloves. I put the folder on the desk behind me and pull the gloves on.

"Okay so the strange this isn't that he has been mummified, its the fact that he was sucked out if air." He said and show me the airway of the victim. I look towards his windpipe and saw something stuck in it. I frowned as I took a scapular and pull the thing out placing it under a microscope as I look at the glass while Ruck leans over my shoulder trying to get a look.

"Is that... A.. Leave?" I asked as I zoom in closer but Rick push me out of the way as I look towards him with my hands on my waist. "Excuse you."

"What, these are my babies and I don't want you to break them, by the way, this is my lab. Yours is upstairs." He said and wrapped his arm our the microscope protectively.

"Whatever just look at the damn thing, I FOUND!" I said outing stress on the word found as he gave me a side glare with his face expression dead. He looks the scopes before looking at me and frowned. He took a plastic bag and place the small piece if left in it before grabbing my yellow folder and putting it inside.

"I'm placing you in charge of analyzing it to see if it is what you say it is." He said as I gave him a blank look.

"Thanks for the obvious," I said as I grab the folder and head out the room. I stop at the door with my one and on the other close door while my body stood in the door stopping it from closing. "By the way thanks, Rick." He just nods as I head back upstairs to the lab.

I was busy reading the folder going threw the police report and a witness report over and over and things just don't make sense. I mean they all say they say they saw Mark Mardon, but that's impossible since he and his brother is dead. They claim that he just look at the man and he was in the air as the man gasps for air before landing in the ground. When the cops arrived they say that when Mark came out if the bank he just vanished when a dark cloud came above him.

Like I say impossible.

I walk threw the lab door as I was about to head to the trace evidence annalists machine when movement caught my eye near the window. I stop dead in my tracks and look up to see Barry standing near the window watching my every movement.

"Barry what are you doing here, you are supposed to be home," I said as he gave me a huge smile.

"Barry what are you doing here, you are supposed to be home," I said as he gave me a huge smile

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"Hi Dawn, how are you?" He asked

"Fine and you?" I asked walking closer to him so I can place the folder on my desk as I look at him closely.

"Never been better. I had such a rush this morning or should I say this whole week that I can't stop." He said as I frowned before placing my hand against his forehead only to feel warmth running threw NY hand and arm.

"Barry, are you feeling okay?" I asked as I took my hand away and fold my arms over my chest.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. I should rather be worried about you, I mean you ate the only forensic scientist here so work must be hard."

"What can I say, I love my job," I said pushing my glasses higher up my nose as Barry smiled and I frowned. "What's that smile for?"

"I never knew you had glasses."

"Well you have been gone for nine months and you weren't here this week," I said as he nods his head before sadness filled his face.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For me not being here this entire nine months. I miss spending time with you and getting to know the girl I... I mean my assistant." He said all of a sudden and I wonder at he was going to say first.

"Don't worry you can make it up for me with that coffee you own me," I said as he laughed and nid his head.

"How about tomorrow, morning at Jitters?" He asked as I smile and nod.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

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