⚡Chapter 15⚡

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"Give me everything you got on you!" He said in a deep voice as I took a step back and let go of the bags that I was holding in my hands and move my hands behind my back. I press on the bracelet Caitlin and Cisco gave to me for working with them for a year now. They gave it to me to use if I ever was in trouble and Barry wasn't there to save me. I could just use my powers but I'm afraid I would hurt someone and that's not what I want.

"I said give me everything you have!" He said again as he held the gun closer to me as I just stood there looking at him with my hands behind my back.

"I can't believe of all the people in the city you choose me," I said as hr look at me confused. I mean what are the odds that a criminal picks you who happen to be a metahuman yourself but also is close friends with the flash.

"Are you kidding me?" The guy asked as I felt a breeze behind me and my hair move to the front a bit as I smile and turn around to see Barry standing there in his flash suit. A smile came to my face as Barty step closer to me with a smile of his own on his face. But before Barry could grab my hand and pulled me away the guy with the gun grab my arm and pull me against him with the gun to my head. I move my hands to his arm that was around my neck and look towards Barry frightened.

"Let her go," Barry said in his discussed voice as the guy with the gun shook his head and push the gun closer to my head.

"Why don't you just run along, Flash. There is nothing to see here." The guy said.

"Well if you have her here then it has something to do with me. Let her go or else.." Barry said as the guy moves his face closer to me and sniff my hair as I move to the side not wanting him near me as he chuckled and I close my eyes hitting my lip as his stink breath hit me in the face.

"I think not. She might be some fun. Isn't that right Flash. I mean why else would you be here and demanding me to let her go if you didn't feel anything for her." The guy said as I open my eyes and my gaze met Barry's as he looks at me sadly. "I mean Starling city has it own hero so why would you be here if you didn't have a good explanation."

Barry nods his head in my direction as I close my eyes and move my head backward slamming the guy in the face with the back of my head as he let me go and stumble backward as I move away. In a blink of an eye, the guy was gone and I stood in front of my dads farm with Barry next to me still in his suit.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked as a small smile came to his face as I turn to look at him.

"Umm Felicity told me. She said that you might be happy if I show up to surprise you but then Cisco called me telling me your bracelet went off and that you are in danger and that's how I race from here to you."

"Oh..." I said as I look towards the farmhouse and took a deep breath in before a smile came on my face.

"What?" Barry asked as I shook my head and hold my hand over my mouth.

"You know that you are here at my house, in your superhero suit and about to meet my father. I can't imagine explaining to my dad that I'm going out with a superhero before the party toningh. He might lock me up and never let me leave." I said as I saw Barry's eyes grew big and he place a kiss on my cheek.

"I'll see you tonight. Don't want your dad keeping you away from me." He said as I laughed and in a blink of an eye he was gone and I stood alone in front of the pitch with my suitcases next to me. I open the front door and walk inside to the smell of cookies in the air. I shut the door behind me and place the bags in front of the stairs before walking to the kitchen slowly making sure not to make a sound.

"When is she arriving?" A woman's voice came from the kitchen as I stop just behind the wall that leads to the kitchen.

"She should be here any minute." My dads voice came near the wall as I frown. I didn't know my dad would have a guest over when I arrive not to mention a woman over.

"Do you really think I should be here when she arrives I mean you two probably have a lot to catch up on." The woman's voice came again as I heard the sound of kissing filled my ears and my eyes widen. Oh gosh! Please tell me my ears are only hearing what they want to hear. I step around the corner and saw my dad and a woman standing in front of the stove kissing. My dads arms was wrapped around her waist as her hands rest against his chest.

She had pitch black hair that reach just under her shoulders with lightly tan skin, and she was quite tin. She was maybe two years younger than my father since dad was thirty. He wasn't that old for a father since he and mom was young when they got married and had me so I don't blame him for finding someone who will take care of him. I mean after mom died in that terrible accident he has the right to move on. I mean it can't be easy to move on from the woman you love so dearly and yet she was taken away from you so shortly.

"Are my eyes deserving me or is my old man finally getting in the game again?"

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