Chapter 1 The most Powerful

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Hi, I'm Ali Delcoure.  I live with my mom dad and two sisters; Fleur and Gabey. They Adopted me. My biolgical family is the Krums, my Dad is related to the Blacks, sirius Blacks Mother is his Mother (diffrent dads). When  I was born they didn't have enough money to pay for both of is, My brother is the famous Quidditch Player,  Victor Krum.

    I'm 14 years old, a full veela and I have control of the four elements; Fire, water earth and wind, also I have control of the sky depending on my mood so when I'm angry,  thunderstorms start. I'm also a metamorphic.

    My godfather is Albus Dumbledor and my goddmother is Minveir McGonagall.  I go to beauxbaton school of withcraft. I am the most powerful witch ever,  even more than Madam Maxine herself! I love my life, when I was 11 I got my beauxbaton acceptance letter so I went their. When I went to diagonal ally I meqnt world famous chosen one, Harry Potter, we've been best friends since.  In my fourth year, we went to Hogwarts, were I met up with my friend Harry and made new friends and befame the pranking queen, puting Fred, George and Lee to shame.

Sorry its short ist just the prologue type thing, I promis the next chapters going to be better, if you see any spelling mistakes fommit them qnd I will fix them. This chapter is dedicated to @zheawesomeme for being , y first vote xxxxx

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