Harry Potter and The Most Powerful in the Goblet of Fire

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Name: Alison Courtney Lillison Krum Delcour

Age: same as Harry (14)

Nickname: Ali (everyone) Courts (besties) Lisa, Princess, Lia (Victor) Blondie, Blonds, lils, lilly, bimbo, Ally(Harry) love♡(harry(later)) Ally (Ron) Lili (Fleur, Gaby, Hermione, Harry)

Crush/Boyfriend: Harry

Best friends: Hermione,  Harry,  Ronald, Draco,  Seamus Finningan, Dean Thomas,  All Gryfinndor, Luna, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw

Enemeys: Slytherin, Barry Chine (trys to 'get' her)

Hobbies: guitar, singing, dancing, pranking, playing with elments

fav aubjects: Transfiguration,  Potions,  DADA and Charms

Powers: Elements,  bring back the dead, metamorphugus

I need someone to edit the story, like fix spelling mistakes and punctuation. 
If you want to message me and I will message you back with my  account details.
Gigi xxxxxxxx

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