thef fell pallete x prince fell goth

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This story was sajested by GothAfterdeath45

Fell palletes p.o.v.

Me and my half brother PC (computer. Jk) just broke into the castle he was down in the kitchen well I was on the 4th floor.
As I was walking down the hall I came across a large door. I was curious so I pushed the door open. A bit to much because the owner of the room was standing there. Staring at me. He wore an oversized black blouce that went half way down his thize. He had one eye that worked and red bags under his eyes.  He also woar a red scarf arownd his neck/caller bone (Picture above). I looked around his room for a second before seeing the princes's crown. I panicked. It looked like he was about to call the gards, so I swiftly pined him to the wall. He gasped in fear. I took his scarf and put in in his mouth like a gag, I took one of the ropes from the curtains and tied his wrists together behind his back. The weard thing is he didn't struggle at all.
I sat him down and grabbed the crown and other expensive things. I looked back over at the princes he sat there trying to struggle a little bit. I sighed and picked him up over my shoulder. Well walking out of his room And closing the door. I walked back down all the steps and met my half brother outside.

Fellgoths p.o.v

I'm being kidnapped. Grate. Well it can't get much worce them living with my parents.
"RURIK WE WERE SAPOST TO STEAL STUFF NOT KIDNAPPED THE PRINCES!" Wisper yelled another guy. Probly his acomples.
"He saw we and if I killed him we wold be even more dead then we already are." Said the guy that was holding me.
"Well at least put a blindfolded on him." Said the ather guy coming into view and putting a peace of cloth over my eyes. After that there were several hours of walking before I was put down. I felt them untie my hands and then retie my hands to a chare. I felt them tie my lags to the chare leaving my legs open. I was shaking. Alot. I Hurd fant talking before the blindfold was removed. It took a second but my eyes finely focest and a saw the guys that kidnapped me. My scarf was removed from my mouth and put back around my neck.
"Hello princey!~" one said. He had a green hat and a green shirt. The other one has black bones and a pink shirt. The one with the pink shirt walked away and the one in the green came closer to me. I had to admit he was pretty hot. But he did kidnap me. But it's better then my parents wen I'm in trouble.
"How's about be introduced ourselves~ I'm Rurik but you can call me daddy~" he said in a weard way. Then he reached down and started to touch me.
"Please. Stop. I-ill do anything." I said knowing what he was planning on doing to me. He looked at me before coming closer to ware my ear was sapost to be.
"Anything?~" he wisper
"Anything!" I say shaking profoundly.
"Then how bout a kiss for now?~" he said. I galped and noded my haed slowly. He leaned back before leening in and kissing me. The kiss was warm and nice. Well I guess it's my first kiss so I guess it wold be. But it's different then I expect. It's also a bit rufe and lustfully. But I was enyoing it. Thow I know I soldent I do.
I felt something slimy glide across my teeth. It took me a second to realize that it was his tongue. I hesatently open my mouth only to fell his tong shoot into my mouth, wen that happened I moned into the kiss.
The kiss lasted several minutes before he pulled away. I was love struck. And I know it sownds stupid but it's true.

Fell palletes p.o.v.

I pull away from the lustfully kiss with the prince. I think I'm going to like having him around.
I wached as he gasped for air chucking before he looked up at me. I cold see that his eyes were filled with something. It looked abit like lust but it wasn't. It was softer then that.
"I-i... I love you." He said. Oh wow this is new. I don't know how to feel about this. I look at him he looked so inosint and sad. So I do sothing I don't think I should do. I let him go. I mean I untied him.
"Heh I gess I love you to." I say and hug him.

The end abit of this was inspired by game of thrones. Abichan out.

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