So, we meet again - 3

10 3 1

Music plays in my earbuds as I stroll down the street, I feel the tiredness weigh down on me. My mom called me this morning and woke me up once again claiming to be my "personal alarm clock." I roll my shoulders sighing when they crack. It's only eleven, and I don't know when Aria is going to meet me so I decided to just go.

For the rest of the walk I find myself lost in thought, it startles me when I see the cafe coming into view. I walk into the door and smile at the cashier, she's the same one as yesterday. 

"Hello again!" She says, smiling back at me.

I greet her and then order my usual plain coffee. As she makes it I look around, it's a lot less crowded today. In the corner I see familiar auburn hair, well, she's here early. Grabbing my coffee, I make my way over to her table, the same one as yesterday.

 "Hi," I say happily as I sit down. "You're here early."

"Hey," She shrugs, setting her phone down on the table. "I didn't have anything better to do."

Nodding my head I take a large sip of my coffee, leaning on my arm I close my eyes and sigh. 

"You seem.. weird." She tilts her head.

I open my eyes, raising an eyebrow at her. "Weird?"

"Not like bad weird.." She looks to the side, her hair blocks her face from my view. "Just different."

I hum in understanding. "Probably because I'm insanely tired." I close my eyes again.

"Get some sleep then." She says like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"Well duh," I say sarcastically, smiling at her. "I would but I think my mom will literally murder me."

She coughs a laugh. "You still take orders from your mom?" Sarcasm coats her voice.

"Why yes, I, a twenty one year old, who lives on her own, still takes orders from mom." I say in a deadpan tone. "She just calls me on repeat until I answer, so it's not like I can ignore her."

"Eh," She shrugs. "It's not me, so.."

"Yeah," I sip my coffee. "Anyways, I was thinking we should do something."

She doesn't seem opposed as she nods. "Mhm, there's only so much you can do in a cafe."

"Anything in mind?" I ask, hoping she knows something to do in this town.

"We could... just like, walk around, or something." She mumbles the last part.

I chuckle. "Sure," I stand abruptly, the squeak of the chair on the tile disrupts the quiet. "Onwards, to wandering!" I say, motioning for her to follow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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