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 Natsu screamed.

Erza screamed.

Levy screamed.

Mira screamed.

They screamed and wept and cursed, for they had won too little and lost too much.

They collapsed defeated on the ruined earth by Lucy's broken body.

Natsu was saying something, too quiet for ringing ears to hear, and then he kissed the swan princess, with tears flowing from his eyes and broken screams in his throat.

And then there was light.

Bright and blinding, pure white brilliance that shone from two hearts that refused to be parted, even in death.

The light dimmed settled.

Confused eyes turned to a once broken body, now sheathed in glowing white.

Breath held abated as brown eyes fluttered open and a smile brought joy to the world again.

Natsu held his swan princess like he would never let go again.

Lucy laughed, beautifully, and the fairies were filled with joy overflowing as they danced and sang and praised the gods above.

Two people locked in a crushing embrace as two hearts were made whole once more.


It was only after several days of forced rest in the palace that Erza finally explained everything that had happened. Jellal, as it happened, had arrived in time through sheer luck. He was also a fairy, and had been absent when the curse had been cast. When he returned to find his friends imprisoned in animal forms he set off immediately to scour the land for a cure to free them.

Luck alone had landed him in the forest to help Erza free Lucy. While Lucy was absent Jellal had started upon lifting the curse. This took some time, which was why the fairies were forced to wait before joining the fray. With their powers restored Mard Geer was no match for the combined strength with Jellal included, and along with Natsu's overwhelming power, he didn't stand a chance.

As for Lucy's resurrection, Jellal could only assume it was the extremely rare primordial magic that had aided them. No one knew exactly what it was or how it worked, but there was a theory that the strongest magic of all was sourced from love itself. Jellal suggested that it was this overwhelming emotion that had allowed the magic to work itself. Lucy's curse had also been lifted during the events.

After celebrations had ensued, the fairies healed the forest and removed all traces of the Demon Lords vile magic. The dark-haired girl who had been enslaved was also freed, and she wept her thanks at an embarrassed Natsu and Erza's feet. As it happened she was from the village, and had been captured after wandering into the forest several months ago. She returned to her family, who rejoiced, for they had believed her to be dead. After everyone had recovered, Natsu soon proposed, which Lucy exuberantly accepted, and they were married.

More celebrations ensued, Gray and Juvia got rather close during the party while Jellal and Erza were mysteriously missing for a good portion of the evening.

With the fairies help, Natsu and Lucy had Mard Geer's castle repaired and remodelled, and it was there that they lived with their fairy friends and raised their four beautiful children among the trees with bedtime stories of demon lord's and prince's and princess's and swans and fairies and epic magic battles. A story that spun a tale through time and was recounted across the land time and time again.

And they lived happily ever after


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