chapter 20

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The phone call came late that night. The hospital number flashed on james mobile. He scrambled out of bed and ran throught the room in darkness searching for his phone.

When he saw who was calling he picked up straight away. The person at the end of the phon shrieked as he answered and he heard parts of a conversation the nurse was having with someone on the other end of the phone.

"Oh god he answered i dont want to tell him. Oh my god what if he thinks its my fault and shout s at me or sues me. I cant speak jemma" the nurses muffled voice was soft yet audible

"What is it. Why are you calling me?" James all but yelled down the phone

"Um yes you see mr saunders you have to come and um see your wifes doctor straight away there has been an um development."

"What kind? A good one i hope" he snaps regretting it instantly if katherine heard how he was speaking to this girl she would give him an earful.

"Um a development" the nurse stumbles ober her words before making an excuse and hanging up.

James sighed running his hands through his hair. This was happening so quickly he had only gotten her back. What was so important that he needed to go to the hospital now.

He threw on his buisness suit and let elena know where he was going. Before leaving he went into ellas room and left a kiss on her forehead. She and katherine were his life now what would he do of something where to happen ella to.

He left the house in his black Bentley. He didnt always have a personal driver but sometimes it came in useful. Elena practically forced him to take his driver worried he would be panicking so much he himself would be injured.

He had give in and now sat in the back seat rubbing his sweaty palms on his trouser leg. And mind running wild. Memories on how he met his beautiful wife and thier first marrige flooded him and he knew when she was gone there would be an irreplaceable hole in his heart.

He jummped out of the car before it had stopped and ran into the hospital. He went straight to the wing katherine was on and found a nervous looking nurse waiting for him.

When she saw him she went pale and started fidgeting
"Um sir i will the d-doctor now" she stuttered before running off.

James sat infront of katherines room. He was desperate to know she was ok. But wuat if she wasnt. He had offered to get her one of the best doctors in the world a cancer specialits. They would habe experimented new innovative treatments. But Katherine had point blank refused to even consider the idea saying she had grown to accept this was the path she was meant to take that death was her life and she had no choice but to accept it and she hoped he could someday to.

Maybe he should have tried harded to get her to listen to jnderstand there may be a way but the false hope if the new doctor couldnt do anything would destroy her even more he knew that himself. Her last days should be carefree and spent with the people she loved.

The doctor rounded the corner pulling james away from his train of thought.

"Good evening mr saunders, i am affraid to tell you that there has been a tragic development in katherines illness. She has suffered from an atrack during the night and as her bodys way of defence has therefore gone into a self induced coma." The doctor explained slowly to james.

His heart rate increased as the doctor kept explaining and he couldnt hold his tears in. He was scared for katherine.

The doctor left after shaking his hand and james tried to hold himself together. He needed to speak to someone. He didnt want to make this call but it was essential.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and looked through his never ending list of contacts before he found the one he was looking for. He dialed the number breathing in deeply and putting it to his ear.

It was late he wouldnt blame her if she didnt pick up. After the fourth ring she did.

"Hello?" Her smooth silky voice rand down the reciever and james felt the familliar feeling of calmness and love wash over him hearing her voice for the first time in so long.

"Mum?" He breathed

He heard her gasp. He wasnt supprised she was shocoed last time they had spoken she was outraged of the way he treated katherine. She told him to wise up, grow a set and to be a man. They hadnt spoken since

"James honey is that you?" She asked she sounded like she wa sib disbelief

"Yes mum it is me" he spoke a luttle louder more audible this time

"Oh honey its been years why havent you called me or picked up my calls?"
She sounded cholked up. Was she crying?

"I was being stubborn and trying to sort myself out. I was ashamed of who id become so i pushed you away i didnt want you seeing me a mess" he replied emotion was evident when he spoke

"Whats wrong honey you sound upset?" He silky voice made him feel always had

"Mum, katherine has cancer, a child, we are still married and now shes in a coma" he let out the story leaving out details but she gasped

"Oh my god im happy for you both, and you couldnt have told me sooner, i have a grandchild? Holy shit im old"

James chuckled at his mother she always made light of a situation.

"But mum theres something else i need your help" he breathed

"No problem honey tell me what you need"

"Mum i need help looking after ella. The doctir called me down to the hospital... katherine has gone into a self induced coma, they dont think she is going to wake up"  james cholked at his last few words pain shooting through his heart
His mother could only say two words

"Holy. Shit"

Authors note

Maybe there will be a light at the end of the tunnel for this couple? Who knows

Exciting news is comming very soon and im still deciding whixh story will come after this one so go to the what will happen next chapter to have your say


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