I step of the silver surrouned platform that went to my Docs level. I walk across the grey marble floor,black walls on all sides with silver beams crossing each other on top. Beep beep. I press my left temple and a rod of metal comes out on top of my left eye. A holo flickers on and I see the face of one of my good friends Wren.

" Are you done with your annual?"

She asks me gingerly,knowing that we should never question ourself in any matter

"Yes ,I am." I smile at her

"Good ,just come quickly,your family is waiting for you. There's some news to give you"

My family. They are always there early when something does not computer with the system. There is my mother ,who is in the nurse comity , my father an architect/engineer , my eldest brother Kace,who is 19,is in the officials sectors , finally it's my youngest sister, Xena,age 9, Her top priority is in the learning compound KFTY(knowledge for the young) and there all home early,to tell me something important.

"Can you tell me a hint?" I plead.

"No you can not"

"fine" I sigh "Hows your dad?"

Her dad has been in the hospital for a while ,oblivious to why.

That's when her face turns into an unknown feature where get smile is upside down.

"Are you ok?"She shakes her head and composes her self.

"yea ,just come quickly" Then the holo is gone.By then I have step out the building ,into the bright red light of our sun. As I walk in the side lanes, people around me all greet me with good greetings,or hello etc. smiles aimed at me from all over. People are always polite. But because of my rare copper red skin,dark brown hair and my golden eyes, there a little too polite. The crowd thins every minute . I look up to see the yellow clouds covering most of the grayish red sky . I better hurry or ... I feel a stinging drop on my nose. Quickly I wipe it off. Acid rain. I think to myself. More drops come in ,faster this time. The few people left start to run to a shelter. I start to run as well to get to my family. The rain gets more heavier ,the acid starts to sting my eyes. I blindly take a right then left another left. I feel my forehead already scabing for more protection.

I try to take a right when I crash right into someone. At least it was under a little lip of a building. Both of us a tangled mess of limbs. Him, I see, has dark green skin with dirty blonde hair.

" I'm terribly sorry ..." But before I could finish ,the same pain from the doctor springs up on the small of my back. I freeze into place ,and just stare at one place.He smiles at me with shocking blue eyes.

"Are you alright?"

For the first time ever, I slowly shake my head.

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