How You Met:-Max Malanaphy

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I was sat in a small coffee shop just a few blocks away from the town. I had work to catch up on and needed to use the free Wifi that the coffee shop offered. I was on my lunch break and had to get out of the office for an hour. I sat with my nose in a book, laptop on and a glass of iced water. I didn't really pay attention to my surroundings as I was so focused on getting my work done. 

"But I ordered a latte" I heard a voice mutter near the counter. I wasn't really listening but couldn't help but overhear.

"That isn't a latte, you call yourself a coffee shop. You should be ashamed." I heard. I looked up over my book to see a tall , grey haired lady with her hands on her hips scowling at the cashier.

"I'm sorry sir , I mean ma'am we are all out of coffee, the machine has broken we are just waiting for an engineer-_"

" How do you expect to get customers with no coffee. Just give me a bottle of water " I heard. The accent was very distinct. I found myself watching her as she snatched the bottle of water off the cashier. The shop was crowded and all the tables were taken. All eyes were on her as she began to walk towards me. I quickly lifted the book back up to my eyes to cover my face.

"Excuse me my darling , is this seat taken?" She asked . I lowered my book to be greeted with a bright smile. Her long grey hair fell over her shoulders . She wore a black leather corset and skirt with a leather jacket. She was stunning. She began to get agitated as I didn't answer straight away. I was mesmerised by her beauty.

"Well is it darling?" She said. I sat up straight.

"No its free" I stuttered.She pulled the chair out from under the table and sat down opposite me placing her water on to the table and began to take off her jacket.

"The people that work here are vulgar" She muttered. She pulled a tissue out of her pocket and began to wipe the table down. I carried on reading my book but found myself constantly looking up at her. She was beautiful.

"I'm Max," She said as she noticed me looking up at her over my book.

"I'm(Y/N) I answered quickly. 

"I don't mind you staring my beauty. I'm a drag queen if your wondering what category I fall under" She said with a smile.

"I'm sorry. Your beautiful"I said closing book and pushing it to one side.

"I am on my way to a gig just a block or so away. I thought I would call here for a quick coffee but they don't seem to have any. Can you believe the audacity" She said looking around her and scrunching her nose up at the cashier who served her.

"It is busy here today but I didn't order coffee so I had no idea there wasn't any. They should put a sign up". I answered. She laughed. 

"Look at us. Not drinking coffee in a coffee shop" She laughed again. I looked down at my watch and realised that the time was getting on and I was needed back at the office. 

"I'm really sorry but I need to be getting back. I haven't arranged a taxi yet and I am needed back at the office". I said as I began to pack my laptop and books back in my bag. I didn't really want to go. I was enjoying the company. It wasn't everyday I was sat with a drag queen!

"Oh well I am getting a taxi to my show so your more than welcome to share mine. Taxis around here take an age just to get here. I have one booked for this time. I only called in to the shop for a latte". Said Max. I smiled at her. She seemed very sweet.

"Thank you so much" I said thankfully. She was right though. Taxis took forever to come and collect you. I stood up in sync with Max and watched her put her coat back on. We both walked together to the entrance of the shop and stood on the busy pavement. Everyone was stopping to stare at her. 

"Does that not bother you" I asked as she pulled some sunglasses out of her handbag and placed them on.

"No. I love the attention"She said. Max turned to me and looked me up and down. 

"Thats a beautiful coat you have on. I may have to borrow it sometime"She said as she winked. I blushed slightly.

"Its yours if you want it "I said. She tilted her head back and laughed. 

"I may have to take you up on that offer" Just then the taxi parked next to us. Max walked over to the taxi in her big heels. I followed as her heels clicked against the pavement. She entered the car and I followed closing the door behind us. The taxi sped off down the road.

"You Max? You booked the taxi for the drag club right ?" Said the taxi driver as he looked at Max and me in his mirror.

"Yes that is me,"He answered.  

"You a dude?" He asked again. Max turned to me.

"Taxi drivers are so rude" He whispered in my ear. I giggled quietly as Max shook his head.

"Just to the club please sir." After an awkward time with the taxi driver with his embarrassing questions, we arrived at the club Max was said to perform in. 

"Thank you sir. Here is an extra few pounds to get this lovely lady to work on time" Max said as she pulled her wallet out and handed a few extra pounds to the taxi driver. 

"That's not necessary "I said awkwardly.

"Don't be silly , I ordered the taxi. Maybe you could pay me back by coming to see one of my shows sometime! She said. I grinned excitedly.

"It be my pleasure." I said. Max smiled 

"I'm performing in the Umbrella club on Thursday. Meet me at the back entrance at 6pm and ill let you in the VIP side. And bring that coat with you darling its fabulous" She said as she put her hand on my shoulder to feel the fabric. She smiled 

"Hope you arrive at work safely" She said and exited the taxi. She quickly skipped on to the pavement and waved at me through the window and quickly walked in to the club.

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