Poll Oyaya #2 | FOR BOYS ONLY! (NO GIRLS ALLOWED. I'm serious.)

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(It somehow matched the title. Oh, well. )


☆ You arrived from school, exhausted from extreme activities that you can't imagined. Due to tiredness, you plopped yourself on the bed, feeling contented of how soft it was and soon slumber drifted you away. The next morning, you woke up on your bed and slowly recovering from your drownsiness. You felt something heavy at your sides. Oblivious, your eyes widen in surprise, wonder and lots of inquiries swirling in your head.
Who might be you're expecting that they were sleeping beside you?

*Chitanda and Mayaka (Hyouka)

*Rem and Ram (Re:Zero)

*Kurumi and Tohka (Date A Live)

*Lucy and Mirajane (Fairytail)

*Yume and Shihoru (Grimgar)


*Nao and Yusa (Charlotte)

*Saaya and Momoka (SKET Dance)

*Neko and Anna (K Project)

*Bishamon and Ebisu (Noragami)

*Kanon and Elsie (The World God Only Knows)

*Kaori and Tsubasa (Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso)

*Tsumiki and Hime (Acchi Kocchi)

*Mitsuki and Ai (Kyoukai no Kanata)

*Asuna and Leafa (SAO: Alfheim)

*Hungary and Seychelles (Hetalia)

*Hinagiku and Nagi (Hayate the Combat Butler)

*Miku Hatsune and Rin Kagamine (Vocaloids)

*Mio amd Tsumugi (K-ON!)

*Nibutani and Rikka (Chuunibyo)

*Benio and Mayura (Sousei no Onmyoji)

*Reina and Ruru (Museigen no Phantom World)

*Ino and Sakura (NARUTO!)

*Haruka and Sae (Amagami SS)

*Elizabeth and Hana (Black Butler)

*Ririchiyo and Karuta (Inu X Boku SS)

*Ayano and Momo (Mekakucity Actors)

*Isla and Michiru (Plastic Memories)

*Kiyoko and Sachi (Haikyuu!!)


Woah! I think I went too far. 😅
I hope you are having fun, otakus!

Gentlemen, choose your TOP 5 pairs for this poll. No double voters, alright?

Are we clear? You sure?
No cheating, by the way.

Let the POLL GAMES commence! Hmph!
*drops the mic and walks away*

Taa-daa~! *doing the dab pose*


Before you leave this chapter,

You can give some suggestions and requests for the upcoming polls. I am open! Come on, otakus!

Hurry up! First 5 OTAKUS will be featured to his/her chapter! You can't miss this!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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