Chapter 8

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"Matt, this way" Harry pointed at a direction and they turned their bikes into a town. It was a rushy area. They stopped their bikes in a corner of a flat. Harry watched everywhere.
"I think they lost us" Harry said.
Matt observed the surroundings
"We should stay here for now I guess."
They got a room. It was a small room. There wasn't any furniture except a bed. Matt entered after Harry and closed the door immediately.
"We can't stay here so long. They will find us easily" Matt said. He sat on their only mattres.
"Right. And we should delete it" Harry sat opposite of Matt "immediately" he said.
Matt nodded and he grabbed Danny's phone from his pocket.
"F**k . " Matt gritted his teeth in disappointment.
"What?" Harry asked.
"Give it to me" Harry took that phone. He pressed the volume button and main button together and there he got a window that Matt hd never seen.
Matt just watched Harry and that phone curiously. Matt saw Harry smile.
"What,?" He asked with excitement.
"How did you do that?" Matt asked with a curious smile. "Where is that video?"
"I deleted it" Harry said with a smile.
"I have my ways" Harry smiled.
"Hm.. I'm impressed Junior." He smiled. But his face went a little serious. He raised a hand to touch Harry's parted lips. "He tried to touch you "
"But they didn't " Harry smiled .
That phone buzzed. They both got panicked again. They didn't picked up that call. There was a message They opened it.
/Do you think I don't have a copy, you little fags?
The deal is still there. I want Harry. If you refuse I will get him at any coast."
"NOOOO!!! F**k...F**k..F**k." Matt shouted and thrown that phone into the floor. It broken in pieces.
"They want me." Harry looked down. His face was full of disgust and worry.
"Oh Harry," Matt took his chin and cupped his face. Harry looked at Matt "I won't let that happen." He kissed him and assured "trust me."
"What will happen if they put that video on internet?"
"Honesty, I don't know. Only thing I know is......" He kissed Harry again. It was a soft kiss. It was a promise.their heart clenched. When they parted they had tons of emotions together.
"I don't wanna loose you."
Harry's eyes got wet . He buried his face into Matt's neck. "I don't wanna loose you too."
They never thought they had this much feelings for each other. Matt held him tightly.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. They panicked again and looked at each other. ."It's them" Harry said in a scared voice.
Suddenly, that door opened with a bang. Harry and matt raised into their feet.
"There you are" Danny grinned and walked towards them. He stepped into his broken phone. He looked down and grinned again. "That's not so cool" he said and looked at Matt.
"So cleaver." He commented.
"Why are you doing this to us? Why don't you leave as alone? What the hell do you want?" Matt shouted at him.
"Him" he pointed his finger at Harry.
Matt grabbed his jacket "DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT THAT".
"We don't need your permission you big guy. We just can have him." He looked at his friends. They moved to Harry.
"NO" Matt pushed him away and tried to stop them. Harry was full alert.
Danny grabbed Matt.
Danny's friends tried to get Harry but he punched everyone in his path. As a Martial artist Harry was so good at fighting. He break so many bones of their enemies.
Harry saw Matt was fighting with Danny. He saw someone was right back at Matt with a hockey stick.
"Matt, Watch out" Harry Screamed but it was too late.
"AHHHHHHH!!!!!" Matt cried.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Harry reached for Matt but They grabbed him.
"LEAVE ME YOU MO****F***RS" Harry shouted
"MATTTTTT,,,,," he Screamed .
Matt's body hit the floor.
Danny took that stick and hit him again.
"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! STOP IT... " Harry cried aloud. "PLEASE..... " he was literally crying.
They were hitting Harry. But he didn't fought back. He was trying to reach Matt. He cried for Matt .
"PLEASE....." Harry cried...."STOP IT" He kneeled on that floor. His body was bleeding. He looked at Matt and his heart broke into pieces. "LEAVE HIM ALONE....." He begged for Danny to stop hitting Matt.
Matt was loosing his consciousness and he heard Harry's cry. He looked at Harry. He tried to raise his one hand.
"Harry," his lips moved.
He slowly loosed his consciousness. He only had a picture of bleeding Harry in his eyes

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