Realization and truth

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Sakura set Naruto on the ground gently wincing each time he whimpered in pain from the open wounds that hinata had sometime bandage when they had left a few days ago. " we need to rest for at least a hour and then move , we have the advantage since we left in the middle of the night " shikamaru said as Sakura and hinata nodded and set up a small camp.

Hinata took first watch as shikamaru passed out ration bars. " I didn't pack much " he said, " I wasn't planning on leaving until I found Naruto in that state , I d-din't think all I -I wanted was to get Naruto away " by the tears were streaming down her cheeks at the memory. Shikamaru nodded in thought. His hate for the village just doubled. " um I packed enough for at least two weeks worth " hinata stuttered out as both now missing nin turned her way. " I brought medicine and tents " she added. " at least someone planned ahead " Sakura said with a smile as hinata blushed madly and returned to her watch.

" we must reach iwa and then we will have a better chance of escaping konoha" explained shikamaru taking a bite out of his ration bar. " okay " nodded Sakura. " we need medical attention for Naruto cause bandages aren't going to cut it " she said wishing she knew some form of medical ninjutsu. " I don't think that will be a problem " said the Nara glancing to the blond. The pink haired teammate turned to see red chakra coating Naruto skin and the smaller wounds healing quickly in a blink of a eye. She gasped shocked as shikamaru watched with a calculating eye. " I'm not even going to bother asking , troublesome " the nara sighed standing up and switched places with hinata since she was still injured from her match with Neji.

Sakura tended to Naruto who bleeding had finally stopped, ' why would they do this !? ' she thought crying as realization dawned on her. She actually betrayed the village , she will never be able to see her friends and family !? ' I'm a missing nin now ' she thought falling into a dreamless sleep.

Naruto awoke to see a familiar face of one shikamaru Nara carrying him in his arms. " huh? " he croaked out as Sakura and hinata stopped and turned to see the blonde awake and confused at his surroundings. They have been traveling for four days now since they finally got to the border of iwa and shook the anbu trail. " where am I " Naruto asked looking around.

Memories came flooding back and he panic no ! " his eyes widen as he struggled agai st the Nara who held him down. " calm down ! We're far away from that hell hole ! " shikamaru said causing Naruto to stop struggling and stared, his blue eyes held no life what so ever. " he's r right Naruto Kun " hinata stuttered as Sakura nodded.

Shikamaru released the blond noting how frail his arms were. " but I'm suppose to be dead ! " Naruto yelled. " I deserve it ! Why did you stop them !?" Naruto yelled as Sakura gasped. Hinata eyes were wide like saucers, " you don't deserve that! What they did to you was wrong ! " cried Sakura as Naruto frowned. ' why is she suddenly caring? Before she didn't give a two cents about me ?' He thought confused. " she's right naru " shikamaru said, " you did nothing wrong " he said.

Naruto stayed quiet not looking them in the eye.

" unless your not telling us something " the Nara added as all three looked to the blond who grit his teeth. " it doesn't matter anymore " he said plainly. " Naruto tell us " demanded Sakura as hinata fiddled with her thumbs. " does this have anything to do with why our parents told us to stay away from you ? " she asked as Naruto looked up to her pale eyes meeting dull blue eyes.

" yes " he answered

" thirteen years ago the fourth killed the demon fox " he said as the three nodded confused to why this had anything to do with Naruto. " well he didn't ..... you can't kill what made out of chakra " he said as the shikamaru mind was already working.

" he had to seal it into something or someone, such as a new born baby who corals haven't developed yet " he explained as shikamaru eyes narrowed already figured it out and a mix of emotions crossed his face. From horror , sadness to determination.
" that baby was me " he finished as Sakura and hinata gasped in shock.
It was quite for a long time before hinata was the first to move toward the blonde who flinched. Hinata frowned at this but continued on. She reached out her arms and wrapped them around his small frame. " you idiot, you didn't think we would hate you for this did you ? " she said as tears steamed down her pale cheeks as Naruto eyes widen in shock. Sakura joined the hug. " idiot " she mumbled. " your not a monster naru if people can't see that then there not worth being your friend " he said as the blonde stared.

" you guys ..... thank you " he cried.

" now let's get moving I think there a small village not far up ahead " said shikamaru as the three separated and smiled. The four continued walking down the dirt path deciding to put the past behind them.

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