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Nobody likes Mackenzie besides her besides her boyfriend Dane but I don't think he likes her ether. He only likes her in bed. But my sister Quinn likes him because she thinks he could be polite and caring and make her feel likes she's special. I don't believe it. I mean it's Dane! I like Danes friend Nate Garner and Piper likes his friend Ethan Dolan. Quinn says that if we date Ethan or Nate then she gets to date Dane so we made a deal. When we date she can. Back to the point. Mackenzie,Fern,and Alice walk towards us and I'm the "leader" of our group and she's the "Queen" of her group. She smirks at me and gives me a look. I give her the same look she gave me and she scoffs. I mock her only to make her angry and it works. "Stop mocking me Macey!"she yells. "Stop mocking me Macey." I say in a funny voice. She walks away from me only to bump my shoulder with hers. Piper jumps on her and knocks her to the floor and start beating her. Punch after punch and kick after kick Ethan jumps on her and pulls her off but he was too late. She was lying there unconscious. Me,Quinn,Ethan,and the "workers" start panicking. Fern and Alice run to get the nurse while me,Quinn,and Piper where already out the doors followed by Nate,Dane,and Ethan. How embarrassing! We all pile into Nate's car and he starts driving somewhere. "Isn't school supposed to start right now?" Quinn asks. "We can drop your butt off right here Q if you want?"I say sounding rude. "Geez sorry just asking!"she says in defense. We all laugh at our conversation. "So Macey?"Nate says. "Y-yeah?"I say stuttering. Stupid me. I blush and he notices and his cheeks turn light pink. "When are you and your sisters coming to spend the night at my house again?" He ask bringing up the past in a slight way. "Um whenever we can." I respond quickly trying get to avoid the conversation. I realize Piper hasn't said anything in a while and I turn around and she's crying silently. "Awww what's wrong Pipe?" I ask. "I'm scared!"she yells getting angry. "The only reason I did that is because I love  you and you didn't even say thank you and mom and dad are going to get so mad...wait never mind about dad because I think he's dead and just I-" I cut her off by slapping her. "You never speak of him that way ever again!"Quinn says. Piper looks ashamed. She should. *Wring Wring, Wring Wring* someone's phone was wringing and it wasn't mine. Quinn looks at her phone and her face goes white. She tosses me the phone because we all share a liken because where always together. I look at the caller and I can't breath. It's the military. I toss the phone to Piper and she stops breathing. We all look at each other and keep passing he phone around until Dane grabs the phone and answers it and puts it to my ear. I put it in speaker phone and the first thing I hear are gun shots. I start crying and the girls cry too. "D-daddy?"Quinn asks. "Hey girls I-I don't think I can make it to your birthday tomorrow."he says. "It's okay's not like you where there the other 4 years." I say. The phone hangs up and we all look at each other. I could see the pain in everyone's eyes. "Guys stop's not like anythings going to change." I say trying to break the silence.
Nobody says anything. "So since tomorrow's y'alls birthday why don't y'all come over and spend the night at my house?"Nate asks breaking the silence. Thank you goodness! "Yeah sure that would be fun." Quinn says smirking. Oh my gosh. "Okay." Me and Piper say in sync. We laugh. "So where are we going Nate?"I ask. "My house."he answers. When we arrive Ethan and Dane go to the kitchen and of course the girls follow. But I stay with Nate. Before I know it Nates lips where on mine. It felt so right but I knew it was wrong. I pulled away but now before giving him another kiss and walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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