She sees. . .

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Her knees buckled beneath her and her heart quickened. Why was Dimitri here? And who was that girl with him? In the distance she saw Dimitri kissing that girl with so much passion. His hands were all over her. She didn't want to see this, but she couldn't look away. Alice fell to her knees as she slowly saw Dimitri, slowly lay the girl beneath him, his lips never leaving her. He saw him kissing every inch of that girl.

Alice felt rage bubble and rise in her. She couldn't believe this! She had always given him her best and now, he left her with a tramp! He had lied to her. He had cheated her with that tramp, that bitch, that girl! Alice felt herself trembling and swallowed the rock in her throat. Tears dripped down her reddened cheeks and her hands formed into fists.

She wouldn't let him get away from this. She wouldn't let them go. Alice felt like yelling at them, throwing rocks at them, even killing them. She smiled at that last idea and silently even chuckled to herself. Alice's world tipped and warped, but she didn't give a damn.

She needed something to end this. Alice needed to make sure this will never happen to her again.

 Scanning the blooming field she saw what she needed.

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