Waking up

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Annabeth heard people whispering around her. She couldn't hear what they were saying but she was smart enough to know that it was probably about her breaking up with Percy. She tried to open her eyes but it felt like trying to lift the sky and trust me that was literally the opposite of fun. It's probably in the dictionary. So she just laid there not knowing what to do. Eventually she knew she had to get up and open her eyes. When she opened her eyes she expected the camp half blood hospital wing. But for once Annabeth daughter of wisdom was sorely mistaken. She woke up and saw the roman looking architecture she instantly recognized it as New Rome. Why am I here? She managed to rasp out. That's the thing, Reyna said camp half blood just sent you here. No explanation no nothing you were here soaked and bloody we treated you. Now you owe us, what happened. I broke up with Percy. Everyone in the room stood up and Annabeth grabbed everything she could and threw it at them. A brick hit jason and a hairbrush hit Octavian but the rest of Annabeth's shots missed. The next thing she knew she was standing outside the Caldecott tunnel soaking wet and possibly more beat up than before she got to camp Jupiter.

Annabeth daughter of stupidity Where stories live. Discover now