Just the Two of Us

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"This is entirely your fault."

Law, still drenched with sea water and breathing heavily from almost drowning, lay on the sand behind the brunette, who was currently pouting with crossed arms. His vision blurry, but slowly clearing, he could barely made out the tense muscles of her back through her shirt. The glare he directed towards it could have killed. Unfortunately, it didn't. A quick glance at his sword, which was lying beside him, left him relieved that he hadn't lost it, though also wondering if Lexi was deserving enough to be sliced in half with it's blade.

Lexi, who was equally as soaked as he, sported a furious glare of her own, but directed it instead at the vast ocean that surrounded them, spanning several miles with no visible islands on the horizon anywhere. For all intents and purposes, they were marooned. Great. This was just great.

"You just had to go and attack a sea king." The brunette continued, not bothering to actually look at him while she lectured him. Her voice shifted to one of mocking. "Big, bad, Trafalgar Law. Captain of the biggest fucking ego I've ever seen."

"I had it under control." Law defended himself, sitting up as the energy previously drained from the sea water began to return. It was still a bit dizzying to do so, but at least he could feel most of his strength coming back to him.

"Under control?" Accompanying her incredulous question, she turned to really scowl at him now. "The entire damn sub was being pushed on its side. You call that under control!?"

"We've dealt with worse." The Captain hissed, tired of listening to her complaining. "Besides, things wouldn't have turned out this way if someone had just stayed inside like I told her to."

"Oh, so now it's my fault for wanting to help you?" Lexi stood, walking a few feet away out of irritation. He did the same, albeit a bit slower.

"In this instance, yes."

"You can't be serious."

"I gave you a direct order to stay in the sub!"

"Me being outside made no difference as far as this outcome is concerned! You would have been thrown into the ocean regardless if I'd been there or not!" She gestured angrily to the ocean, which was now fairly calm despite a storm having passed by less than an hour ago.

Law rolled his eyes, pointing at her accusingly. "Had I been by myself, I wouldn't have had to worry about protecting another person I wasn't expecting to be there in the first place. I never would have been thrown off guard and fallen into the ocean."

"Argh! It's always someone else's fault with you! I'm sick of it!" Lexi shouted to the sky, throwing her hands up in exasperation. Tired of arguing with him, since he wasn't listening anyways, she stormed off in the other direction.

"Where are you going?" His anger hadn't subsided, but it was irritating to see her just walk away from him. Like he wasn't worth her time. Women, he thought bitterly.

"This way! Whether you come or not, I don't really care!" Was her distant reply. Lexi pushed a few branches of the brush away, creating a path that she could walk through, and disappeared into the forest.

The Captain growled, wishing that he didn't have to deal with a moody woman now that they were stranded on this island. The anger was enough to conveniently forget that had she not have been there, he'd have drowned in the ocean because of his devil fruit. There wasn't really any way to tell if she'd been the cause of his distraction, but he had been pretty sure he'd had it under control. Probably. But he'd be damned to admit that she was half right on the issue. She had still disobeyed an order to stay inside the sub.

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