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"Here you go, Captain." The cook said, handing him a tray of food for dinner. Law's eyes scanned the contents of his plate, seeing no bread or anything remotely close to it, and that of his newest medic's, which was obviously more fruit based, before nodding appreciatively and heading back through the mess hall door and towards his bedroom.

The hallways were strangely quiet, seeing as everyone was in the mess hall eating. They made quite the ruckus to begin with. Amassing them all in one place didn't help the noise. Luckily, he'd thought to install soundproof walls around the points of the sub where the most activity would be, the mess deck and the infirmary included.

Craning and popping his neck as he walked, he let out a relieved sigh, feeling much better. Holding the tray of plates with one hand as he approached his door, he turned the knob and stepped inside. Expertly he pivoted his way inside without dropping the food and closed it behind himself.

The room was dark, save for the lamp on his bedside table, illuminating Lexi's textbooks spread all around her on the bed. She lay on her stomach, feet kicked up in the air behind her comfortably. At his entrance she glanced up, a highlighter stuck between her teeth and a hand hovering over her notebook of personal notes clutching a pen.

"Oh, is it dinnertime already?" She questioned with a tilted head, smelling the aroma of the food he'd retrieved for the both of them. The delicious scent caused her now-obviously empty stomach to grumble, long neglected from hours of studying the textbooks.

At the sound, Law chuckled, placing the tray on his own desk. "I've never met someone who can tune out just as badly as much as myself. But surely you know you've been sitting there since noon?"

"Since noon?" She cried out, propping herself up higher on her elbows, the highlighter dropped from her mouth to the bed, and she stole a glance at the clock on his desk. "Shit, I was supposed to help Bepo brush his fur today."

Amused by her surprised and alarmed expression, Law waved his hand in dismissal of her worries. "The waters we're currently navigating through are rocky and treacherous. He's been personally overseeing our course all day, so it's likely he forgot as well."

"Still, I feel like I've lost a whole day's worth of opportunities." She puffed out an irritated breath, glancing back down at her book as she sat up from her prone position. "Though, I've definitely learned a bunch more about the heart than I ever thought I would."

Law quirked a brow, inspecting the pages of the four textbooks she'd spread out across the comforter. They were all turned to pages about the cardiovascular system or the heart, her notes sectioned off in much similar ways.

"How are your studies going, anyway?" He questioned, taking a look at what she'd written. Just as he'd noticed from his short time teaching her in her own world, her notes were clear and clinical, organized into clear paragraphs and never over-detailed.

"Well, once I figured out that it's a lot faster and easier to study about the same body system or organ by reading from multiple books at once, I've been able to understand a lot more." She admitted, grabbing her notebook once Law had inspected it. "Each one has little bits and pieces of information that the other three lack, so reading them all in tandem gives me the whole picture."

"Hmm." He hummed, cocking a brow. "That's quite an effective method. Well done, Lexi-ya." He complimented, and she sighed quietly.

"It would be even better if these books had more diagrams or pictures. It's hard to visualize everything they describe in my head. Too bad I didn't pay more attention to the drawings in my college classes, otherwise I'd try to recreate them."

She turned a few pages back in her notes to a crudely-drawn picture of the veins and arteries surrounding the heart, branching off in different directions to the different parts of the body each one was labeled with the corresponding body section, but a few had question marks beside them.

The Anatomy of Cross-Dimensional Pirates (One-shot Collection)Where stories live. Discover now