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                              😌 Sina 😌

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                              😌 Sina 😌

"If you think you're horny now, come and let a real nigga slide through girl..."
~ August Alsina "Lonely"

Sina sat in his car, patiently awaiting a call from his woman. At least she was his in his mind. Might as well be, the way the two argued like a couple. He could remember the recent altercation clearly. A huge misunderstanding and she flipped, as usual. He'd called her numerous times that night after he left, and when she finally answered he apologized to calm her. Before their call ended with the still agitated female the next morning, he sternly told her:

"If I call your phone tonight, I better not have to call twice.."

He'd given his one call, that was declined, and now he'd continue to wait before he took action.

While he awaited her call, Hadiia was at her apartment. She carelessly waltzed about her room, nude as the day she was born. Her body gyrated and rocked to the sounds of R&B throwbacks. Pandora was momentarily taking her mind from the prior altercation with Sina.

The day before, the two bickered as Hadiia held his phone in clutch, screen still on the recent messages between him and a female friend. She had to admit the other women made her feel some type of way, but it was kind of her fault as well as his. She'd granted him the right of friendships with women, thinking that her time with Sina would only be short lived sexual escapades before she tossed him.

Honestly his personality, along with his sex, kept her close to him. Although Sina honestly felt for her, she herself wasn't so sure yet. Her self esteem wasn't a problem, it was more of her fear of commitment.

After forcing herself to lotion up and slip on some underwear, she picked up her phone from the night stand.

Sina 😍🤤
One missed call 📞✖️8:11 p.m.

She sighed, sliding the notification to the left and staring at the screen before she cleared it. A part of her felt bad because she felt 'if they weren't official, why should she be so upset?' But the greater part of her retorted 'because that's yo nigga and yo dick'.

Sina looked up at the house as he leaned against the car. A nearly gone blunt rested between his lips as he contemplated on his next move. He felt some type of way that she hadn't called him back after two hours passing, not to mention leaving him on read. Putting out the roach by stepping on it, he popped a piece of spearmint gum in his mouth. His size 13 shoes carried him to the porch steps which he slowly ascended.

Leaning against the railing of the porch, he awaited her to answer the doorbell. She hadn't noticed him at first, but she caught his calm stature as she stepped onto the porch. Her arms dropped to the sides and her matte black taser became visible. "You scared the shit outta me."

Sina chuckled at her eye roll. He took a step forward as she walked away from him. The door sat wide open for him so he could enter.

"You might as well come in." She walked to the kitchen, briskly. Her ass jiggling as she rounded the counter. He couldn't help but watch. His hand rubbed his chin as he chuckled. "What's funny?"

"You? Why you acting like this? Is it about us?" He took off his shades, placing them on the counter. Hadiia glanced at the glasses before meeting his eyes. Those same brown eyes she was crazy about, but only her and her best friend knew that.

"I'm not acting like anything. And what us?" She put up a front, standing her ground. Sina grinned as she looked away from him in annoyance. His long legs slowly trailed to her. She looked up at him through her lashes.

"Whachu' mean "what us"? I see you as my woman. You don't see how much I care fa ya?" He was right, and Hadiia knew that. Her heart fought against her pride, trying to keep her from fucking up a good thing. She closed her eyes and sighed. Opening them, she immediately caught sight of his lips. Before he could react, her full lips engulfed his with urgency.

Sina, though shocked, smiled in the kiss. He held her closer to him, taking in the taste of wine on her lips. She smelled of shea butter and her skin glowed. It'd been barely a full day of them being apart, and he hadn't realized how lonely he was without her.

"I love you Alsina, despite the times you frustrate me. You mean a lot to me, I've just been afraid of showing it."

"What is it to be afraid of?" Sina rested his chin atop her forehead. He rubbed her back as they rocked side to side in the empty kitchen. The music from her bedroom still played, very lowly. Hadiia closed her eyes as she took in his expensive cologne, a gift from her. She shrugged shyly before she spoke.

"The fear of rejection and ending up lonely.."

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