Meeting everyone

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Chapter 1
Carlisle has a sister Hermione and their Pureblood witch and wizard. They are Riddles. Voldemort is not dead and Bellatrix is their mother she is not dead either. Esme is also a witch

Alice's pov

Today all of us are moving to London. I am so excited too move. We are all in a plain on are way.

Time skip after the plain ride

"Renesmee give me my phone back" Bella yells. Renesmee is 2 years old now. She still won't give it up. "Now"

After a while of walking we finally found Carlisle's sister.

"Hello Lily"

"Hey Big Bro, Esme, Edward. Mind telling me who the rest are."

"Sure thing"

"I'm Rosalie. This is Emmett" Rose says pointing at Emmett. "Thats Alice, Jasper, Bella and Renesmee. Shes Bella's and Edwards Daughter"

"Now tell who they are" Carlisle says

"This is Draco Malfoy My husband" She says pointing to A blond hair man"these are our kids, Hermione, Bellatrix jr., Scorpio, CJ, Teddy, Ginger Rosie and May."

"What when did this happen" Carlisle says

"What does CJ mean and who is the oldest and youngest" Esme asked

"This happened 16 years ago. CJ means Carlisle Jr.. The oldest is Layla who is 16, Harley 15, June 14, Winter 13, Summer 12, Scorpius 11, Bellatrix jr., and Hermione their twins 7 years old, Teddy is 4 hes , CJ is 3, Rosie, May,and Ginger are 10 months, lastly Hunter who is due in 3 weeks. Cuz the war happened 18 years ago remember."

"Wow" Carlisle Esme and Edward says

"Any ways why don't we go home" Draco says

"How are we going to get their cuz we all can't fit in a car." I ask

"Yes we can and we're taking a van." Lily says

We all walk outside their is a sliver mini van.

"Ok kids get in your a signed seat,Bellatrix help your Father please."

"Ok Mum"

After their all in its our turn to get in a seat. As we get in its huge on the in side. Kinda like the TARDIS.

After we all sat down. (me in between Emmet and Jasper in the very back. Edward Bella and Rose in front of us.
Rosie Teddy and Nessie in front of them. Hermione Scorpio and CJ next. Esme Bellatrix Jr. and Draco. May, and Ginger. In the very front is Lily driving and Carlisle.) we took off.

After 2 hours of driving we pulled up to a huge manor. Wow this is amazing.


"What Draco"

"The triples fell asleep"


"Lily language" Carlisle says

"They have heard worse. Draco keep them asleep plz. Kids you know what to do."

"Ok everyone Plz keep quiet."

We nod

"K Carlisle Draco help me with them."

As soon as they get the triplets out they all started fussing. We all get out after they calmed down and went back to sleep. Lily takes them inside.after a while she comes out.

"Ok lets get you inside."

"Hermione go call your Grandmothers and Grandfathers " she all nod.

A minute later she comes out to. After 30 mins all of are stuff was inside.

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