1: The New Girl

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Ruby's POV
I woke up to the sound of an annoying beeping, my alarm clock blaring and the bright sun shining through my window. I groan and reach over to grab the pillow from the other side of the bed, swinging it over my head and on top of the clock to try and muffle the sound. It didn't really do much and I was forced to finally just sit up and look over at the time. Eight in the morning, which means once again I'm late for school. Well that's just great; Miss Diamond is gonna give me an earful about being late again. I honestly just don't care at this point. I get up and throw on a t-shirt with the school's logo on it, it doesn't really matter anyway since I'm wearing my varsity jacket over it. I throw on some ripped jeans and my favorite pair of red and black sneakers. I stuff my phone in my back pocket, trying to make my way down the stairs while buttoning my pants at the same time. I quickly grab a piece of toast and one of my gatorades from the fridge. I stuff the piece of toast in my mouth as I juggle my wallet, keys and skateboard. Since I was late I didn't really bother to brush my hair or my teeth. It's not like it was a big deal anyway, not like I'm gonna kiss anyone. I drop my board and get on, pushing off to start making my way to school.

Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven are all standing together at Steven's locker when I finally got there. I never understood why Pearl and Amethyst hung out with Steven. Since they are juniors and he is a freshman. Anyway, lucky for me there was some dumb assembly this morning so everyone is just now going to their lockers. Amethyst can just fill me in on what I missed later. I open my locker and start grabbing all my stuff for class when I hear a voice I didn't wanna hear until at least lunch. Correction, a voice I didn't really wanna hear at all if I could help it. Jasper and her friends Aquamarine, Topaz, Emerald, and the practical twins Blue Pearl and Yellow Pearl. They just call themselves BP and YP. They're both named after their mothers, the principal and vice principal of the school Blue and Yellow Diamond. Since Blue and Yellow were both friends and co-workers, BP and YP practically grew up together. They spent so much time together they even looked alike, which is why everyone started calling them 'the twins' for a nickname. "Oh great. It's Jasper and her group of tough girls that think they're hot shit." I turn around and see Amethyst leaning against my locker's door. "At least the Crystal Gems don't walk around in jackets with stars on them." I add to her little comment, looking back at the group with their matching leather jackets that have their little diamond insignia on the sleeve. Jasper and her friends formed this stupid little group called the Homeworld Gems. The symbol on their jacket sleeve being four small diamonds that form one larger diamond, I'm assuming to play kiss ass to BP and YP's moms. Their group was always doing shit that could be considered borderline criminal, but they always got away with it cause the twins' moms run the school and would always turn a blind eye to what the girls did. It was annoying and unfair; I always got to get lectured for little stupid stuff, but they could straight up stuff a kid into a locker or sell weed and they get nothing.

Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven also had a little group of their own called the Crystal Gems. It was basically a little club they created to try and give the students bit more freedom and protest against the school's strict and unfair policies. They host events and parties trying to convince students to stand against Yellow Diamond's overbearing rules. Personally I don't like to get involved, but if the Crystal Gems ever needed some extra muscle I told Amethyst she could call me anytime. I turn back to Amethyst once Jasper starts roughing up a kid for his money. "Need me to tell you what happened at that boring assembly?" Amethyst asks, shutting my locker for me. "Yeah, before I have to hear about it from someone who actually cares." I say as we high five and walk to class.

We walk into our boring home room and I sit down at my normal seat, taking out my phone and scrolling through my social media. "Ruby, or should I say 'the Eternal Flame.' There is no phones in class." My teacher says as she stands in front of my desk with crossed arms. Everyone at the school had started using that nickname for me after I joined the baseball team. 'Ruby the Eternal Flame', although I never understood why they picked that of all nicknames. Maybe because I'm hot headed, or the fastest runner on the baseball team. My best guess would be after I won the championship game last year and yelled 'I am an eternal flame baby!' as I touched home plate. My teacher huffs in frustration as she yanks my phone out of my hand. "It's homeroom! What do you think I'm doing? Watching Porn?" I snap back as I tried to reach out and grab my phone back.

I've never been one to just follow the rules. I like to call out the bullshit I see. I don't just sit and watch it happen. "If I were you Ruby I'd be smart enough to hold my tongue when an adult is correcting me." She snaps back with an evil glare. Not like I care, there's not a glare on the planet that can pierce my skin. "Well maybe if the rules weren't total crap that makes no sense I wouldn't have to snap back." I argue, not breaking eye contact. "That is it! To the principal's office! Now! And you can forget about baseball practice after school because you'll be in detention!" She yells pointing towards the door. "But the big game against our rival school is coming up! Flame needs her practice!" Some boy with big gages in his ears shouts from the back of the room. "Out." The teacher snaps at me, completely ignoring the other boy. I roll my eyes and grab my bag, standing up and walking towards the door. Coach is gonna kill me but I'll just throw in a couple extra hours on the field. "Whatever you say Holly Blue." I curtesy all dramatically in the doorway before finally walking out and down the hallway.

I drag my hand on the lockers as I walk down the hallway. My eyes were scanning the words on the class doors as I walked past them. Science- Art- History- leading all the way up to the music room. I stop once I get in front of the music room, hearing someone singing from the other side or the door. I've heard all the girls in the school chorus but I've never heard this girl before. She is really good, like her voice sounds like an angel. I walk up to the door and try to peak through the small window in the door which was covered by papers anyway. I find a spot in the window not covered and look in. There's a girl sitting next to the piano, she has really long blue hair that looks so well dyed you'd think its naturally blue. Her bangs go over her eyes and her pale skin looks so soft and perfect, but it looks like she might've had faint freckles scattered across her face. It was kind of hard to get a look from this far away. Not like I could see much, she was wearing skinny jeans and without a single rip in them and a big baggy blue sweater. It hid most of her figure, and this girl clearly wasn't like the others when it came to showing off skin.

I keep staring at that girl, trying to think of if I've ever seen her before. There was no way, I know I would remember a girl like her. "You looking at the new girl?" I turn around and see Steven looking at me. He had that signature sweet, innocent, and oblivious look on his face. "I wasn't looking at anyone." I say as I turn back around to keep trying to sneak a peek and get a better look at this girl. Steven walks next to me and looks in the same little rip in the paper blocking the window I was looking through. "Oh, you're looking at that new girl. I heard she just transferred here from across the country. She is a junior just like you. You already know she's a singer, but I heard she dances too. Although no one knows much about her, I guess she is pretty quiet and shy." I keep looking at the girl, kinda listening to Steven but also tuning him out at the same time. "No crowding the halls! Move along!" I look over and see Peridot, the worlds greatest hall monitor and A/V club nerd, not the sarcasm. She had her arms cross and she was impatiently tapping her foot as she glared at us. Steven immediately turned around with a bright smile to greet her.

"Hey Peri, how'd that college tour go?" Steven asks, which makes Peridot drop that sour look on her face to replace it with this smug looking smile. "It wasn't that bad, but I don't think that college is for me. I still have my eyes on Harvard, I need something that is actually going to challenge my academic prowess." She looks at me and her glare returns, which doesn't really surprise me since I know she doesn't like me. "Ruby." She says with this venomous tone in her voice, as if she was scolding me with my name. I look back with a 'yeah I know you don't like me' look. "Hello Peridot." I say with this overly positive and kind tone, just because I know it annoys her. I give her a teasing grin and she just rolls her eyes at me. "You guys should get back to class before you get in trouble. As for you Ruby I take it you are going to the principal's office." She says all condescending and continuing to glare at me. Her glare doesn't bug me though, it's not really intimidating at all. Peridot was all bark and no bite, emphasis on the all bark part since she never shuts up. She's like a yapping little chihuahua that you can't get to go away. "Oh Peri you know me so well." I smirk and walk towards the principal's office. I kinda wanted to stay in the hallway and listen to that girl sing, but Peridot would just keep nagging in my ear and ruin it anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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