Where it All Started

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Yiyun's Pov

After winning a war, I am now granted to go back home. But instead, I went back to the place where this real mission of mine begun: The mystic sea.

It was 15 years ago when I promised at this very land that I will comeback, and here I am, all ready to finish what my parents had started.

I can still remember that night like it was just yesterday:

My parents were both herpetologists, and so as a little child, I got the interest for reptiles and amphibians as well. Through all of their expeditions in discovering new species, they always include me on the team for me to be exposed at an early age.

We've been in this country for months, but we haven't had any expedition since then. Or at least that's what I thought. 

I noticed that one or both of my parents were not at home alternately during this period. When they're at home, they were locked at their laboratory most of the time. I think, they are hiding something from me.

One night, my curiosity was answered. It was raining heavily when they abruptly woken me up from my deep slumber and hurriedly went to the carriage with our luggage on it.

My father was insanely driving the horses like we are on a chariot, racing for our lives. My mother was looking at the back like we are being chased while holding me tightly like I will be taken away from her.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We are going somewhere they can't follow." She answered.

"Who are they, and what do they want from us?"

"Listen my child..." she holds both of my cheeks, "in that bag, are my and your father's research works. Whatever happens, DO NOT GIVE IT TO OTHERS." Then she took out a necklace, with a little bottle in it as a pendant. "Wear it at all times, this bottle is as important as everything on that bag."

"What's this?" I asked as I saw crystal-like particles inside it.


"Let's go! Quickly!" My father yelled when we stopped.

"No time for explanation, just use what we taught in finding out" she said that made me puzzled.

At the shoreline, was a boat waiting for us. We loaded our luggage then my parents started paddling.

With some lanterns on our boat as our only source of light, we started our journey. Then my mother blown a horn which I find odd. Then suddenly I noticed that there was something swimming beneath us. I got goose bumps seeing how big and long it was, a whale I guess?
But what made me freaked out was when I confirmed that it is not alone.

"Do not come out!" My mother hysterically yelled, contrary to her usual behavior which is calm and subtle. "What ever happens, do not come out!"

who is she talking to? There's no way these creatures can understand her

"Hide!" My father second handed.

"Wait, what is happening here?!"
I interrupted. I have no idea of what's going on and I need a clear explanation now.

"They are here." my mother muttered, looking at the distance, totally ignoring my query.

"Go dive the deepest you can! Do not leave any mark!" He commanded. "Dive!" The shadows beneath us subsided but my heart was still pounding at fast rate.

The rain became heavier and the waves got bigger, that its hard for us to get by. Then I noticed a big ship coming near us. I absentmindedly stood up and waved my hands to capture their attention. "Help!" I yelled. 

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