|Eight| Part One.

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Yixing is worried. His stomach become bigger and his baby now 4 months in his and soon he will graduate around two weeks more and he have ultrasound this weekend to check the baby and he is fucking nervous."Hunnie, I'm scared." Lay said as hugged his soon-to-be-his-husband. "Don't be scared. It'll be find." Sehun said as caressed his boyfriend's cheek.

"So, let's get ready for ultrasound." Sehun said as Lay nodded. Sehun helping Lay put coat." He he, so handsome." Lay giggle when Sehun wear him coat." And you're so cute." Sehun cupped Lay's cheeks and kissed him." I know." Lay smiled." Come, Let's go." Sehun said and put his hand on Lay's waist." Luhan-hyung, we're going!" Sehun said." Don't forget to tell me the gender!" Luhan shouted from the kitchen.

Sehun's hand on the staring and other hold by Lay." If girl what will you put the name?" Sehun asked."If boy?" Lay asked back." Fine. You win." Sehun chuckled. Sehun parked the car and hold Lay's hand handing to the hospital." Hi, Dr.Park!" Lay waved." Hi, Yixing! So this is your husband? Last time, you brought your cousin so he must be the one ,right?" Dr. Park Yoora smirked as Lay nodded shyly." Oh, I see... well then let's started! " Dr.Park said as Lay smiled. She asked Lay lay on and showed his tummy." Let's see your child." Dr.Park said.

"Oh,my. Look there he is." Dr. Park pointed to the screen as Sehun and Lay looked together. How cute... "So is he a girl or boy?" Sehun asked." Oh,wait! Let me see closer." Dr. Park seem a little bit aware as Lay started panic and Sehun hold his hand tightly." Oh my god! Congratulations! " Dr.Park said as Lay and Sehun eyes widen." What?" They asked." It's a twin!!! Both of them are boy!" Dr.Park said as Lay smiled." Oh my god! We got two!" Lay said as Sehun caressed him." Yeah, you're right,baby." Sehun kissed his forehead." Thank you for make love with me." Sehun said as Lay blushed.

"We will print out the pic of your children. Please wait outside." Dr.Park said as they thanked them. Sehun helped Lay sit as soon him. Lay turned around see Baekhyun with Kai and Kyungsoo. Lay could see Kai broken legs as he feel terrified.

"Sehun." Baekhyun said as looked at Sehun sharply.

-To be continue....

This is my last update. I will not update around a month cause I have examination. This Tuesday and 9th October. Fuck! Two days after Lay's birthday. I'm literally crying. I will try update if I'm not busy and lazy. Thank you.


Thank You!

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