Chapter 24

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"So there is a storm coming ladies, we have two options..."  Tyrone said sitting on the edge of the sofa were Dinah sat. All the girls gasped and peeped out the window to spot the dark clouds in the distance. Everyone sat up straight to wait on what their options were.

"We can either pack up and leave now and hope we make it to the shore before the storm hits" He stopped to see what their reaction was on that option, Dinah and Ally looked horrified. Normani just sat blankly waiting for whatever other option she could choose. Lauren and Camila were sat smiling out the window, which confused Tyrone but he didn't care to ask. 

"OR...We can spend the night here again but the only problem with is my sister rented the place to a local family for the night because we thought you guys would be gone. So we would have to stay with my sister at her place" 

Dinah stood up and clapped her hands, making everyone jump slightly and look in her direction

"Pack your bags ladies, we are spending the night with Ty's sister"

No one dared protest, as the knew there was no point with Dinah, plus not one of them wanted to chance sailing in the storm.

"Is your sister okay with that?" Camila asked rising up off the ground. Tyrone nodded "Yeah it was her idea actually" 

"Okay well lets go then" Ally said skipping off to her room to pack. 

Camila followed behind Lauren to their room. Once inside she closed the door and ran towards the bed before throwing herself down on to it. Lauren smiled amused and pulled her bag out from under the bed, dropping it onto the bed unzipping it. Camila tilted to one side and propped herself up on her elbow, watching Lauren intently. 

"So how do we play this?" Camila asked 

Lauren glanced up and shrugged "I don't know, we just go on like we have been?" 

"But i mean i don't want to ignore your or have to be mean to you just for show...Plus when you wear shorts that can be mistaken for a belt it is kind of hard not to stare" 

Lauren smirked and shook her head before pushing her bag off the bed and crawling up to Camila on the bed, pushing her shoulder slightly to knock her flat on her back, Lauren then hovered over her, hands placed either side of her head and legs either side of her waist

"Well maybe i wear them so people like you can stare" 

Camila smirked and tilted her head "Well it isn't far, you might as well not be wearing them and that just sends my mind into the gutter"

"mm is that so?" Lauren quirked and eyebrow and leaned closer to Camilas lips "Please do share these thoughts miss Cabello" Her hot breathe against Camilas lip was sending the younger girl into a frenzy 

"How about i just show you my thoughts instead" Camila almost whispered. Laurens eyes turned a darker shade as she felt Camila fumble with the button on her shorts. Before she could respond with a smart answer, her lips were captured roughly by Camilas, sending a involuntary moan flying from her mouth.

Camila worked the button skillfully with one hand and tugged on the waistband, trying to pull them off but they were tighter than they looked. Lauren pulled back laughing lightly and helped her get her out of them. Once they were off and discarded to the floor, Camila grabbed firmly at her ass. "I have missed your fucking ass" Lauren shook her head and smiled but kissing her once again. Camilas hands slipped under the waistband of her thong, just as she was about to pull them off there was a knock on the door. 

"Guys are you ready?" The door slowly opened, Lauren moved faster than ever under the blankets behind Camila hiding the fact she had no shorts on. Camila on the other hand froze in her position, arms above her head, hair messy and cheeks flushed. Seconds later Dinah appeared, spotting Lauren in bed first 

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