Chapter 12

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Camila P.O.V

God, i am so angry at myself. Why do i have to keep letting her in. Letting her just kiss me, I need to be stronger, i need to have more will power and not just allow this to keep happening. She knows what to say to win me over and cast me under her stupid spell, so she can just have her 5 minutes with me before she closes up and runs off again.

Why did i have to let that stupid blonde bitch get to me, and asking Lauren not to tell her boss well sorry missy but the boss is my best friend and Taylor will be firing your ass quicker that lord Sugar.

Who the fuck does Lauren think she is anyway, coming in there acting like she hasn't been a total fucking bitch to me this past while, acting like she still cares for me. No, if she cared she wouldn't have kissed me. Yes i kissed back but that woman has a spell over me that i can't seem to break free from and its so frustrating. I hate her so much, but i want her so bad! I still love her and its crazy that after all this time i still do!

"Mila? Yo Chancho what the hell is up with you?! We have been driving for an hour now, in the middle of Hawaii and you haven't spoke a word"

I look up and Dinah is standing over me, I am sat at the table just listening to my music, looking out the window but to be honest i haven't took in much scenery at all. I fake a smile and pull out my earphones, turning towards the Polynesian.

"Sorry, I just didn't get much sleep last night and the flight really took it out of me, I'm just enjoying looking out at how beautiful this island is"

Dinah is looking at me knowingly, she knows when something is up but she also knows when to just drop something, so she does just that. She smiles and walks off towards the other girls who are at the back of the R.V. I look down and Ally is showing Normani something out the window, and Lauren is...Shit staring right at me.

I look away quickly, putting my earphones back in and go back to looking out the window. A few moments later, my phone starts to buzz. I look down and it reads One new message: Lauren

My heart suddenly picks up and i get nervous, i have no idea why she would be texting me. I glance down and she is now talking to the others. I take a deep breath and open it

Are you ok? x

Seriously? She texted me asking me am I okay. She couldn't have just come down and asked me to my face, not that i would want her too but seriously a text, what are we teenagers.

I don't even bother to reply, i just put my phone back on the table and as soon as i do another message comes through

Camila, please just come down here and don't isolate yourself from the group because of me x

I want to punch a bitch right now. She makes me so angry, no one else can ever get my blood boiled so quick. Not everything has to do with her, maybe i just want to be on my own, has she ever thought of that. Again another message comes through.

I don't regret it btw, just to clarify that. I got scared, but i don't regret it x

And the same girl who make me so mad can make my heart race just as quick. This thing we have is so confusing. I mean, no we don't even have a thing going on. I finally decide to reply

I'm not doing this through text

Short and sweet. I hear her phone beep and just as quick, i hear footsteps. I look over my shoulder and once again my heart starts to pound, here she comes, swaying those hips so seductively, she knows what she is doing to me and its so annoying that i can't help but play into it.

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