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"Alright," Mr. Patterson inquired, "when is your assignment do?"

"In two days!" All the class said at once. The bell rung and the students started zooming out of the class.

"Hmm... Mr. Patterson?" He looked up from his desk to see Amy Grace.

"Yes, what is it Amy?"

"I was wanting to know if you could help my friend out?" She smiled worriedly.

"What is it they need help with? Is it to do with school or is it more personal?"

"Well... it's kind of both. You see a lot of stuff happens at his place and he doesn't do any school work because he thinks that he's stupid and he can't do anything and I'm worry about him. Do you think you can help?" He looked at her for a second and then nodded his head.

"I'll see what I can do, what's his name?"

"His name is Josh David, and thank you for helping out Mr. Patterson." He nodded and Amy left the classroom. Later that day he went to the drama room and started setting up the props and scripts for the play that's coming up. The students filed into the room getting their scripts and taking their seats. Mr. Patterson looked around the drama room and saw some new faces among the group.

"Alright everyone, I see that we have some newcomers joining us today, so I would like for all the newcomers to come to the front of the room and introduce yourself to the rest of your fellow actors." Five students got up and walked to the front of the room. Four of the student's introduce themselves and sat down. Mr. Patterson walked over to the boy and asked.

"What's your name? It's ok if your shy at the moment. Just know that we're all family here." He give a small nod and cleared his throat.

"My name is Josh David." Mr. Patterson was a little surprised to see that Amy's friend had joined his class. Mr. Patterson patted Josh on the shoulder and he went back to his seat.

"So today we are going to be working on act 1 scene 15. Now everyone who is new, please bring your script up here and I'll give you a part!" The five students come back up to the front of the room and they looked through the script and picked out their parts. "Alright now that everyone has a part, let's go over our lines." Mr. Patterson said. Everyone who was a part of act 1 scene 1 got up and went to the little stage. Everyone got into their characters that they played. Once class was over Josh came up to Mr. Patterson.

"Mr. Patterson," He turns around to face Josh, "I can't be in the play anymore."

"Why is that Josh?" Josh looked down at his shoes.

"I told my parents that I joined drama today and I thought they would be happy for me, but they told me I wouldn't be able to do it and that I would mess up the play." Mr. Patterson saw how upset he was and said.

"Tell me Josh do you love acting," Josh looked up at him and nodded. "then don't let other people bring you down, not even your parents. The only person who can tell you whether or not you can do something is yourself. If you want to be apart of the play, then be apart of the play. You have to show people that you have what it takes to succeed and then people will begin to see that you have what it takes to put your mind up to anything you want. Do you understand me?" Josh nodded and hugged Mr. Patterson.

"Thank you Mr. Patterson, I needed to hear that." Josh smiled and left the room. A few weeks later Josh was still in the drama club. His parents saw how determined he was to be in this play so they let him as long as he keep his grades up.

"And even today Josh still has hope to better himself in the acting major and work on plays with his new cast members at BrightWood University. I would like to thank you all for listening and remember we can only succeed if we have hope in ourselves and in one another." The End

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