The Iron Maiden

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I can't remember how long I've been here. Days, weeks, months, may be even years, the only thing I can remember is being thrown in this cell. I did many things I'm not proud of, but I didn't stop doing them, even though I knew it was wrong. I was a monster and I knew it, I knew that my job would get me killed one day, but I never thought it would be here of all places like this.

The cell I was put in was a cold, dark, and damp place with mold growing in every corner of the of it. I wish I could see the sunlight one more time, to feel it's warmth on my face, but I haven't seen it ever since I was thrown in here, the only thing is darkness. The only light here is the faint flicker of a torch as the guards pass by the hallway leading to the other prisoners.

The prison is mostly quiet until one of the guards bring someone in or the others are being tortured. There are five different parts of the prison, the first level is the guard's quarters, the second level is the area where the thieves and rapists are, the third level is where the killers are, and the forth level is where the monsters are. The people like me who murdered people for fun and tortured others for their entertainment. Every monster down here gets tortured, we don't get to pick the way we go, we just know that it isn't going to be pleasant.

I flinched, startled by the sound of another prisoner being tortured. His screams sent shivers down my spine. I close my eyes and cover my ears hoping to block out the sound, then it stopped and the silent took it's place once again. I leaned back against the wall and started breathing in and out trying to get my heartbeat back under control again. I closed my eyes and try to fall into a deep sleep, then I heard footsteps. My eyes shot wide open, I saw a faint light coming closer and closer. I moved back into the shadows, scared that the light might hurt me after all these years.

"Hey! Move forward monster!" The guard said moving the torch toward the cell. I stood up and walked forward into the light.

"Ugh, this one smells like it's dead already." Another guard said.

"Just unlock the door and let's be done with it." The guard unlocked the door and walked in, grabbing me and putting my arms behind my back. I was going to break free and escape, but I haven't eaten in days nor did I get enough sleep to have the energy. They got me out and started leading me to what I can only assume is my death chamber. They open the door and my eyes widen in fear as I set my eyes on the Iron Maiden.

It's upright sarcophagus with spikes on the inner surfaces with double doors open on the front. It has eight spikes protruded from one door and thirteen from the other. I knew that once I was inside, the doors would close and there, the strategically placed spikes would pierce several of my vital organs. However, they were relatively short spikes, so the wounds wouldn't be instantly fatal. Instead, I would bleed to death over several hours. Two spikes were positioned specifically to penetrate my eyes.

I started fighting against the guard. Another guard came over and hit me hard in the stomach. I felt like vomiting, but I had nothing to vomit. They took me over to the Iron Maiden, one of the worst torture methods that they have here.

They put me in, the doors began to close and then the pain hit me, hard. I started screaming and trying to escape, but I couldn't see anymore, the spikes took my eyes and all I had left was my hearing, but even that didn't help me. My screams blocked out any sound that was going on in the room.

Seconds, minutes, hours? I didn't know anymore, my scream was loud until my voice was hoarse and turned into a low almost quiet scream. I could heard around me again, I heard the doors open, and two men walked in. It sounded like they were carrying something heavy with them. One of them spoke in a low tone as if they were scared of someone hearing them.

"They stopped screaming, are they finally dead?"

"No, all that screaming might of made their throat give out. I'm surprised they could even scream, but it doesn't matter. Let's put an end to this." They picked something up and started moving toward the Iron Maiden. I heard something open above me, I tried to move, but I lost too much blood to do so. Then I felt something hot hit my body. Pain shot through me and giving my body energy to scream out again.

I heard the guard's faint voice mumbling to the other. Then I felt something cold hit my face. It felt good until I knew what they were doing. They closed the little door above my head and the once cold water became steam, choking me, killing me, making the already open wounds sting. My life flashed before my eyes and I knew this was the end. I would soon go to the afterlife and meet the one who'll judge me for my crimes. My body slowly became numb and limb, then my life itself faded away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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