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" Oppa someone wants to meet you at the rooftop " a girl said and I nodded " I'll be here in a minute" I said to y/n and left once I arrived to the rooftop I saw her "What do you want? " I asked

"Well I know you have a little crush on y/n and I thought we can make a little talk about that" she said smirking " and what is it?" I asked annoyed " we can both see that Jungkook is interested in y/n and she Probaly is too"

"What do you want Rosè?" She smirked " I want your help to make me loved again and in change I will help you with y/n" I thought about it for a minute "Deal" she smirked "but what are we gonna do with Jungkook?" I asked "Don't worry about that"

After a long day school was finally over I walked to the school's gates and waited for Jungkook because he said he would walk me home "oh here you are!" I said as I saw him

We were about to go but someone stopped Jungkook "Jungkook we need to talk" she said "I don't have anything to do with you" he said annoyed " It's not about me anyways it's about the girl you love" she said smirking

Wait so that means Jungkook likes someone ... I knew I didn't have any chances with him sigh "Jungkook just go it's fine I can wait" I said and fake smiling he nodded and walked away with... Rosè

While I was waiting BamBam came "hey y/n!" I looked up and smiled " hey" he looked worried as he saw my red eyes "Are you okay?" He asked " BamBam?" "Yeah?" He answered "Can I trust you?"

"What do you want?" "WOW calm down I just want to make a deal" she said "and how is y/n involved?" "The deal is you not talking to her anymore" I smirked "and what if I do?" "She will get hurt" she answered shortly "if you do it she will be safe but if you don't ... I have some friends that just came out from jail"

" It's your choice after all you just need to keep her away from you it's not hard" I didn't know what to choose but I can't just hurt y/n because I want her it would be very selfish for me "Deal but don't you dare hurt her" she then nodded smiling before walking away

I was thinking of excuses to tell y/n that I can't walk her home anymore as I was walking I heard laughing I looked towards the school's gates and saw BamBam chasing y/n "c'mon y/n just a kiss" he said and my blood started boiling

While y/n was running she bumped into me "ouch" she said I was about to help her when I remembered my deal with Rosè "oh Jungkook" she said smiling argh she's making everything harder

"Y/n here you are ! " BamBam said running towards her "oh hi Jungkook" he said in a cold tone "I see your having fun well then I'll just go" I said passing by them

he passed by us not even helping me up "What's wrong with him?" I asked annoyed " I don't know , by the way do you want me to walk you home?" " sure why not"

After he walked me home we said our goodbyes and I went in , I saw three pair of shoes that means my parents are home with a guest "Y/n you're home honey" my mum said I went over to her and hugged her tightly " mum?"

" Yeah? " "do we have a guest?" I saw her eyes lit up "oh yeah come on" she pulled me in the living room and I saw my dad talking to someone familiar


I hated you (JUNGKOOK FF)Where stories live. Discover now