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She slapped me "yah bitch stay away from my husband!" "Yah Soo yeong what are you doing!?" Namjoon shouted at her while Jungkook was hugging me tight from behind

"She wants to steal Wonho from me oppa!" She whined at Namjoon oh so she's Namjoon's sister "who the hell told you that I want to steal him huh?!" I shouted

"You shut up bitch" I tried to stand up and slap her but Jungkook stopped me "don't go down to her lever baby" he whispered and I looked at him and he was smiling at me

"Yah Soo Yeong why did you slap her huh?!" Wonho asked mad and he can be very scary if he's mad "O-Oppa I-I can explain!" "Wonho I think you two should talk about it in private" Somin said

Wonho grabbed Soo Yeong's hand and went outside "God Namjoon your sister has some problems" I said while rubbing my cheek and he chuckled "It's just that Wonho always talked about you and she got jealous"

I looked at him then looked down "y/n we should go to the toilet" Somin said and I nodded I was about to stand up but Jungkook pulled me back "I'll be okay" I said smiling and walking to the toilet

As she walked away I sigh "Jungkook did something happen between you guys?" Namjoon asked and I looked at him "Why?" "Just be careful" he said making me confused

"Wonho likes y/n as well and he can get pretty dangerous if he's jealous" then a question pop in my head "is his sister the same?" "I don't know anymore because last night when I told her that you and y/n were together she got pretty scary"

Then I looked at him "Wait she's now with her alone" "I'll go and check" Taeyeon said standing up

As we enter the bathroom Somin hugged me "What's wrong?" I asked and she looked at me with teary eyes "T-This morning I-I confessed to Jungkook"

She said and I froze "Y-You confess?" She nodded "he said he'll never love me because he loves someone else" she said as she hugged me tighter at that moment Taeyeon came in

"What's going on?" She asked confused and Somin broke the hug "Y/n who do you think he loves?" She asked looking down "Who loving who?" Taeyeon asked

I was about to say no one but Somin spoke "Who Jungkook loves" I could see Taeyeon froze "ok let's stop talking about him y/n come here" she said and I walked over to her

She put took out a tissue form her pocket "here put some cold water on it and press it against your cheek" she walked over the door but before opening it she turned around

"Good luck with Jungkook, I thought you would tell me it was you but you didn't because you thought about my feelings... thank you" after she said that she left

Me and Taeyeon looked at each other "let me help you" she said as she walked over to me. After Taeyeon helped me we got out of the toilet

Everyone smiled at me and also Wonho was back with his 'fiancé' they we just smiling creepily at me "What's wrong?" "Umm y/n I'm sorry for slapping you it's just that I get jealous very easily and I'm scared Wonho will leave me"

I could see that the apology was forced "why would you even get jealous if he was like across from me?" I asked and rolled my eyes I sat down where my sit was and put my headphones in because I didn't want to listen to anyone

I hated you (JUNGKOOK FF)Where stories live. Discover now