Chapter 1: Lullaby

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Natsu just got back and already is causing trouble. Knowing my owner he'll-

"So Natsu finally made it back huh?" say's Gray and like usual the fight starts. Yep thought that'd happen. Those two can never go a day without fighting when the both of them are in the guild. Oh, there's a blonde girl maybe she came to join? I don't really care to be honest because what's important right now is getting gramps to stop this fight. I walk up to his office and scratch on the door.

"Let me guess there's a fight?" said master opening the door. Since I can't talk as a wolf I just nod my head and follow him to the middle of the guild. As soon as we get there master turns big and gets everyone's attention then jumps to the top floor. He then gives a speech and burns some paper work sent by the magic council. As he gives his speech I make my way over to Gray. After everyone settles down I find out the blondes name is Lucy. Next thing I know Lucy goes with Natsu to save Romeo's dad and then back again for a job.

After Gray talks with master Gray and I head out for a job. On our way back we cross paths with Lucy, Natsu, and Happy. That's when Gray tells Lucy and Natsu Erza's on her way back. I can't help but wag my tail in happiness and bark. If you can't guess I really like Erza because she's the only one with a sense of humor in the guild.

"Hey Gray can I ask what your wolves name is?" asks Lucy as Gray is petting me.

"Oh, this is Demon! She's been with me for as long as I can remember!" say's Gray. Right after he say's that we get attacked and of course we win. We all head back to the guild hall after that. Once at the guild hall Gray and I go to sit with Cana. Lucy starts talking with Mira. Natsu eventually buts in and then Gray has to but in.

"Hey, Lucy I wouldn't stick with those losers. You'll get plenty of opportunities with other teams" said Gray and like usual him and Natsu start fighting. I look over to Lucy and see Loki trying to hit on her, but runs away after seeing her keys. Less then 5 minutes later he comes back with bad news to everyone else, Erza comes in the door and hits poor Loki with it. She then goes on about rumors she heard about our guild but then surprises me when she asks Natsu and Gray to help her with something.

The next day we head to the train station and of course, Erza comes with her huge pile of luggage. After we get on the train Gray tells Natsu how pathetic he is because of his motion sickness. The boys are sitting in the same seat and us girls are sitting together.

"Why don't you come sit over here Natsu!" says Erza. I immediately get up and sit near Grays' feet.

"Mind filling us in on the job!" says Gray. Erza fills us in and I start shaking at the mention of Lullaby. The humans here might not know of it, but I do. It's a very ancient type of magic that was cursed by black magic and now is used to control people. If used too much the human who holds its emotions will awaken it's true form and disaster will happen. Whatever this dark guild wants with Lullaby it's bad. Erza notices my shaking and has Lucy get us some food at the next stop. As we eat Lucy asks about Erza's magic and Erza says Gray's magic is much more pretty. I have to agree because it's true. Gray tells Lucy he's an Ice Mage and makes the Fairy Tail emblem out of ice.

"Now I understand why you and Natsu fight. He's fire your ice. Talk about not mixing well!" say's Lucy.

"Never thought about that!" answers Erza. To be honest I didn't think of that either. That might have been why my sister and I didn't get along before she was taken away. We then got off the train and realized we left Natsu behind. Next thing I know we're in a magic car run by Erza's magic. Natsu jumped out of the train and both him and Gray hit the ground. I jump out of the car before it stops to check on Gray while the others check on Natsu. As soon as Natsu explains about someone and a flute with three eyes Lucy remembers she's heard about it and explains everything I know about it. Gray notices I know something because my ears are pinned back and my tail is between my legs.

"Demon you alright?" he asks.

"I think she knows something of it!" says Erza.

"Well we won't ever know because she can't talk like me!" states Happy. At that, I growl and can't take it anymore. I turn human and pick him up by the scruff of the neck.

"You know what I'm tired of you mocking me because I can't talk to humans in my true form!" I say to Happy.

"Demon?" say's Gray. "You're a human?"

"Huh? Oh no, I'm not. I just can turn into one. Sorry, you had to find out Gray. I wasn't supposed to show you until you moved on from Ur, but I've had it with this feline!" Right after I said that I turn back to a wolf again because my time ran out. It takes a lot of magic energy to stay human and that's not something I have at the moment. I drop my tail and head in shame for not being able to stay human longer.

"Well, we don't have time for this! Let's get going!" say's Erza.

"Right!" says Gray picking me up. "Maybe next time you can tell me more" he whispers.

After a while we come to a train station and a whole guild is there. The leader then disappears causing me to jump and fall out of Gray's arms.

"You two go after him!" says Erza to the boys. They take off with me following behind them. We end up at a fork in the hallway and we split up. Natsu goes right, Gray and I go left. While we're running I come to a conclusion on why they chose this station and I whimper at the thought.

"Let me guess you figured out their plan!" says Gray. As soon as he says that we're attacked. Like usual Gray's careful to not hit me, but I get hit by the other guys magic and go flying. After the fight's over Gray notices I got hit and picks me up. We then head off to find Erza, since that guy told us their plan.

"You okay Demon?" he asks. I try to turn human again, but fail because I'm hurt "I'll take that as a no."

We meet up with Erza and tell her their plan. Erza mentions a guy who can break the wind barrier and we head off to find him. As we're looking the building begins to shake and we know it's Natsu. Most likely he's fighting the man we need. Oh were we right! The man wasn't badly hurt even know he went through a wall just a little bit ago. As we're asking him to remove the wind barrier a man comes out of the wall and almost kills his comrade. Erza and Gray patch him up but he's to badly injured to use magic. Lucy then summons a celeste spirit to dig up a hole to the other side. Once out of the hole we notice Natsu and Happy are missing. We end up going after the two idoits that think they can take him on by them selves. We caught up with them to find out Natsu beat the guy. As the rest of our group talks, I see the guy we helped pick up Lullaby and take off in the Magic car. Once we caught up to him we find out he's about to kill gramps! We go to stop them but the guild master's stop us. Gramps says something and the man drops Lullaby, but thanks to his emotions Lullaby comes alive. I try turning human to tell Gray how to defeat it, but I just can't seem to turn human at all. I finally give up once I fall over from trying and watch as Gray, Erza, and Natsu fight Lullaby. After combining their magic they take Lullaby down and the seal on Lullaby breaks along with Lullaby it's self-breaks. Once it's broken I fall over completely and end up turning human at the sight before me. The conference hall is destroyed! Gray notices me and runs over to me.

"Demon are you okay?" he asks. I give him my answer without taking my eyes off of where the conference hall once stood.

"No, but Fairy Tail's in trouble!" I say pointing to where there used to be a conference hall but is now a giant hole. Everyone looks and starts complaining.

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