Chapter 5: The sky dragon!

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(Calena Pov.)

The next day we tried to work at a restaurant for money, but Natsu got us kicked out. Oh well. Later that day Juvia and Mira said the dark guilds have been very active lately and show us how many there are. There's over 100 of them! Each one follows three main groups. Oracion Seis, Tartaros, and Grimoire Heart! After talking, Gramps tells us we're going to attack Oracion Seis! We're all shocked. The council has formed an Alliance between four guilds. Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Caitshelter! Team Natsu gets chosen to go for our guild. When we get there Blue Pegasus's Trimens put on a little weird show. Well, weird is an understatement, but it'll have to do for now. The Trimens are Hibiki of the Hundred Nights, Eve of the Holy Nights, and Ren of the Silent Nights. After the three are done trying to win Erza and Lucy's hearts Ichiya comes out. Erza and I both immediately start shaking. I really don't like this guy. Last time I met him he sniffed my scent. It's really creepy for a human to sniff a dog. Normally I don't have a problem with others sniffing me but a human it's creepy. Anyways Gray opened his mouth and the Blue Pegasus boys try to shoe him and Natsu away. Ichiya try's to sniff Erza, but Erza punch's him. That's when Lyon and Ian show up with Shelly and Jura from Lamia Scale. Ichiya then tells us only one person from Caitshelter is coming. That's when a girl from the said guild falls on the floor by the door. She gets up and tells us her name is Wendy. After she introduces herself a white cat that talks like Happy. Wendy calls her by Charles and surprised to see her. By the looks of it, Happy has a crush on the little kitty already. At first, Wendy is scared we'll leave her out, but Erza says we won't and there goes the Trimens again. As the Trimens try to win Wendy's poor little heart I noticed a strange magic coming off of her, but I can't make out what it is. Jura, Ichiya, and Erza seem to notice as well. Natsu seems to know Wendy, but can't remember how or where from. I'm not surprised though that he forgot! Ichiya tells us Nirvana and I fall over shaking. Nirvana is the force between Good and Evil. What is Good is Evil, what is Evil is Good. It's very confusing, but the way to not be tainted by it is to be in between. Hibiki gets serious and tells us of Oracion Seis members. Cobra uses poisonous snakes, Racer uses speed magic, Hot Eye can wipe out an army for profit, Angel peers into your heart, Midnight is a mystery still, and Brain their control center. At this point, Lucy and Wendy are freaking out. Natsu starts us off by running off without us. Erza makes the rest of us follow and off we go. Gray has been trying to stop Natsu, but it's no use. He's a fire head anyways. That's until Erza yells at him for a stupid remark. I hope he's alright since he fell off the cliff. As we're running the air seems to be thick and heavy. Everyone else can feel it too. Natsu stopped once he saw a shadow over us and Gray falls on him. I start to laugh because it's Ichiya's flying Pegasus, but stop when it's shot out of the sky and blown up. Natsu sniffs the air and so do I. Oracion Seis is close, very close! Out of know where a surprise attack goes off and all of us are hit. Angel of the Oracion Seis close tells us they've taken down Jura and Ichiya. Gray and Natsu both run at them like idiots. In no time Gray, Natsu, and the Trimens are taken out by Racer, Lucy is fighting Angel, Wendy is hiding, and Shelly and Lyon are fighting Hot Eye. Erza takes on Cobra, but Racer starts to fight her. As I watch I can see Cobra can somehow hear what his enemies are thinking. Natsu try's to take on Midnight, but that guy has an invisible barrier around him. Cobra then sees 's into Ezra's pass and sends his snake, Cubelios, at her. Erza's down!

"A wolf?" says Cobra. I look around to see everyone is down except Wendy, the two cats, and myself.

"What's a wolf going to do?" asks Angel. Cobra looks like he's trying to hear what I'm thinking.

"Calena?" he asks. I look down in disappointment. Before I came to Grays family I was friends with Cobra. Then our village was attached and I lost my sister to Paradise Tower. I never saw him or anyone of the other kids after that. I took one look at him, then everyone else and dropped my head and tail.

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