Meet Me

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Be-

I hit my alarm. I twisted in my silky blankets and yawned, Grabbing my glasses, I got up. I ruffled my hair. I am not looking forward to today. I'm basically fighting with every one of my friends.

Even my best friend....

I sighed and turned on my straightener. My hair was curly and brown and I hate it. I did all my bathroom stuff then straightened my hair. until it fell a little past my shoulders. I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a gray T-Shirt, and a black hoodie. I'm not an outcast, or a loner (but one of my "friends" called me that and it ticked me off yesterday) I'm just a girl who loves to go unnoticed.

I put on some eyeliner and mascara.

I grabbed my bag and jogged down the stairs.

“Hey Alena” (A/N: pronounced like vampire diaries, A-Len-a. Not like Alina)

“Hey.” I yawned and pushed past my little brother Seth.

“Ready for school?” “I’d rather die.” I said picking up an apple and biting it.

“Well someone’s mad.” “I’m pissed actually now shut up.” I said taking another bite and walking out the door.

I took an angry bite and started my car. My mom pocked her head out of the window.

I'm not on good standerds with anyone so I don't care. She doesn't get it.

Once I got to school I stayed clear from my friends. Before the bell rang, I got hit with a jocks football. Everyone laughed as I fell. I couldn't tell if my "friends" laughed or not.

If they did that's messed up.

I breathed out uneven to avoid tears. Someone kneeled and helped me up. "Hey you okay?" It was a guy. "Yeah." I said not bothering to look up. I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Why'd he throw that at you?" "Because everyone hates me." I said wiping another tear.

"Awe look she's crying!" A cheerleader giggled. "Seriously what's your problem!? Do you have to put people down to feel better about yourself?!" I yelled.

"Oh no I feel great either way." She smiled. Ugh I hate blondes!

I looked up at the guy. I don't know him...but he's cute. "Thanks um..." "Jake. And you are?" "Alena." "Alena. Light. Remains highly visible throughout the years due to the legendary beauty of Helen of Troy. Her beauty caused her to be abducted, leading to the Trojan War. As the saying goes, she was 'the face that launched a thousand ships'. The name stayed popular throughout the ages, spawning many famous personalities such as Helen Keller and Helen Reddy." He nodded.

"Um, I- my parents just liked the name I didn't know that." I shook my head.

"I can see that. I'm good with history."

"I see. Um you must be new."

"Yep! I am any advice on my first day?"  "Want to fit in? Don't talk to me." I said pushing past him. I didn't want to ruin the new kid's first day.

"Hey! Alena, show me around?" "Didn't you hear me?" "Loud and clear." He smiled. Oh joy this is the part of my life where it turns into a fairytale story book thing....


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