Chapter 2

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*Harry Styles pov*



I was currently looking down each isle for the milk, but i was struggerling to find it.

Where's the mil-


What the hell...

Quickly, i spun around to see who screamed my name when i saw her. She had a jumper with my face on it, a cap with #Directioner4ever and trousers which had my face imprinted on the 2 back pockets. I've never seen anything like it.

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Gobsmacked. I couldn't think of what to say, i didn't know this girl yet she had pictures of me all over her body.

"Uhm... you...?" I said, awkwardly, trying to hide my confusion.

Instantly once i'd spoken her face turned to one of a child's on christmas day.

"YOU KNOW MY NAME!" She screamed at me. All the customers in the shop stopped, there was silence in the whole store- all eyes were on us. I wanted to tell her to speak quieter but didn't want to offend her.

Unexpectedly, she charged at me, i backed away in hope she would understand that i didn't want anything to do with her, but no. Once she was near enough to me she leaned in.

What the hell is this idiot doing?

She grabbed onto my neck, i tried to pry her hands away but as soon as i put my hands onto hers, she went for my mouth.

It was disgusting. She stuck her tongue out of her mouth and shoved it into my mouth. I had to shove her off me to get her to stop kissing.

"Harry OMG i've been waiting for you my whole life you don't know how happy i am to see you i have thousands of posters of you all over my bedroom walls and i know the lyrics to every song that you've ever sung and i'm by far your biggest fan and one true love-" i watched as she gulped for breath like a fish out of water. "-And were were made to be and it's just our fate to be together."

What is she talking about..?

"Wow... slow down-" i started but was quickly interrupted again.

"I'm so sorry Harry! Am i taking our relationship too quickly? It's ok, we can slow things down, maybe talk for a bit without touching each other... but then again i may find that hard as you're just so irresistible." Her face went a pink colour and she reached her hands out to touch me again but i moved away in time.

"You've misunderstood what i meant-"

Interrupted, again.

"Of course! How silly of me! You'd never want to just talk. We can get started straight away!"

Before i had a chance to say anything, she wrapped my arms around his neck, pushed her tongue into my mouth.

"Harry, i love you." She moaned over and over again. I was creeped out. I tried to get her off me but her hands were locked around my neck and she gripped onto me. I didn't want to hurt her but i just wanted her to go away. I tried to get my tongue away from hers but she would only follow it more, licking the insides of my mouth.

"Get off me!" I felt my subtile anger towards the crazy girl grow.

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" She had the ugliest laugh i'd ever heard. I wanted to put duck tape over her mouth to stop her annoying voice, but she only rolled on the floor in laughter- gaining more stares from the people around us.

"You're hilarious, Harry, i love how funny you are!" Again, her face turned bright red.

Hilarious? But i'm not joking...

"It wasn't a joke" i blankly said.

Her face turned hard, she got off the floor and looked me in the eyes.

"B-but... Harry... We're soul mates... without me, you'll be alone forever." Her voice cracked from the emotion in her words. I had to hold my breath to stop myself from laughing at her unusual personality. She started to blink really quickly, the fastest i've ever seen anyone blink, i was about to ask her if she needs eye drops or to go to the doctors when suddenly my shirt was soaking wet.

How did it get wet to easily? My shirt is meant to be water proof...

Looking to the floor, i saw a giant puddle. A man came along with a tea towel and a sign saying 'caution- wet'. As well as that, my feet were now soaked, i had to take off my shoes and socks as they were so wet.

I looked around, wondering what caused it when i saw her with tears flowing down her face.

"Don't take it personally, i just don't know you very well." I said to her, i didn't care about her feelings, i just didn't want to annoy the employees-who were currently scrubbing the floor- at the shop with more water.

Her face turned to a thoughtful expression.

What is she thinking?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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