Chapter 1-Ghosts

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Once there was a little girl, she was doing her homework as usual. She wasn't an ordinary girl, she saw ghosts. (CRINGE MOMENT) Sometimes they was nice and friendly, other times they weren't. Luckily for you, (unlike the girl) this story is about a time the ghosts wasn't so nice and it was the last time that she saw a ghost, or anyone to be specific.(oh wow your already cringing again, didn't think it'd be so soon, did ya) It's was just an ordinary day, just like any other. She decided to do her homework as soon as she got home, but when she got home there was nobody home, this was usual and she didn't think nothing about it because when she gets home her parents are usually gone working. She went inside and got a grape juice and when she got the juice out of the fridge she accidentally nocked down a bottle of children's Tylenol, which is weird because no kids live with her. (CRINGE) Any way she ignores it, thinking nothing of it and walks to her room. As she's going up the stairs she Tripps over something, or someone, but when she looks to see what made her trip, nothing's there.(CRINGE) She ignores it because she is very clumsy and she probably just tripped over air, it wouldn't be the first time it's happened. (I'm ligit describing my everyday life lol) She walks to her room and throws her book bag that's slung over her shoulder in the floor right beside of her desk and takes a seat at the desk. She gets her binder out of her book bag and pulls out her homework. She sets her homework on the desk and is about to open her juice when she realizes she don't have it and remembers she fell and probably dropped it on the steps whenever that she fell. She is about to get up when someone pokes her and hands her her grape juice. She sighs and thanks them. She then mumbles under her breath a few color full words and says that she don't have a straw and then she goes to get up and remembers that nobody is home. She stops in her position and says, "Hello, is anybody here?" (yes ik this is stupid bc if someone is here there not going to answer duh) She doesn't get a reply and shakes it off. She walks down a couple of steps and once she turns the first corner at the edge of the railing she goes down one more and then she tripps and falls off the steps and onto the first floor of her house. Luckily there was something to catch her fall, a straw that was sticking up straight in the air. It protects her neck. Her family is so smart and got the extra pointy ones that's tough plastic and thick so it don't break easy and is extra sharp to go through your juice packet. It goes straight through her neck and she starts bleeding to death but then looks up and sees a burnt ghost that looks like it's on fire. The girl chokes on her own blood and spits out through coughs squirting blood out each time,(my first thought would be if I survive this what is mum going to do to me once she sees her carpets stained from blood, jk) and mannagies to say "hi sister, hope the fire I made for you last year was warm, I was always waiting and waiting for you to come back so I could ask you?" Then the ghost makes the chandelier fall right on top of her dying sisters body and blood gets everywhere over the chandelier points that went into her back. The ghost laughs a laugh filled with joy and says," Your next mother dearest."

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