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(I kept getting comments on the whole blood healing thing, I kNOW!
But the human brain is still functioning even after death/near death experience, like a car accident, so she can still be revived, but that's all on you guys!
Revive or nah?)
Miwa P.O.V

"Your blood! Dawn, give her your blood!" Iida cried out, bubbling with tears.

"No! It's too risky! He'll get his hands on Dawn too!" Shouto shouted back.

Screw it!

Biting on my lip, blood dripped down my chin and I planted my lips on hers, forcing the blood inside her mouth and praying and hoping that she'd be okay.

"You're going to pay for this, you bastard!" I screamed, my body sparking just like before.

"No! Dawn, go! Find Endeavor, take Juno!" Shouto grunted, trying his best to hold off the Hero Killer.

"I-I can't-!"

"I'm not asking! GO!" He yelled, and with my extra strength from my Quirk, I picked her up and flew off, my tears flying along in the wind.

"Y-You're going to be okay, Juno. I-I promise!" Whimpers and sobs just kept on coming and my vision blurred, resulting in me not seeing so well.

"AAAHH!" My leg was caught onto a wire and the electricity coursed through me painfully before I hurled towards the ground.

Instead of feeling the pain of the ground, I was caught in the arms of someone and so was Juno.

"Miwa, what happened?!" Endeavor panicked and I smiled weakly.

"P-Please save Juno. . ."


"Quirks are physical abilities too! I can't believe you Shouto!"

". . ."

"You're lucky I saved her, along with that girl. She flew into a powerline! With her injuries, she could've died! You're so damn reckless!"

"She could've died. . .?"

"Yes. I know you two are close, and it's none of my business if you're together or not, but this? I'm not mad, just disappointed."

Why is someone yelling?

My eyes fluttered open, and I took in my surroundings. I'm in a hospital, a room all to myself. An IV is in my wrist, and just from the feeling, there are several bandages on my arms and legs.

"Miwa!" My body was then hugged by a familiar warmth and I can feel tears on my shoulder.

"I-I'm so sorry for making you go through that! It was so stupid of me,
I-I forgot that Quirks are. . .G-God, the thought of loosing you! I'll be a better boyfriend to you from now on, I promise!" He pushed his lips onto mine, and I drew in a startled breath before shoving him away, and he hissed in pain when I realized I hit his bandaged arm.

The Hell?!

"Mr. Todoroki?"

"Sorry doctor, I'm just talking to my girlfriend-"

"Girlfriend?" I questioned, wiping my lips and he looked at me.

"No, Mr. Todoroki. Aizawa Miwa has-"

"You can tell me later, we just have to catch up on-" I interrupted him.

"I don't have a boyfriend, and I don't know you."




"Mr. Todoroki. . .Miss. Aizawa is diagnosed with Amnesia."

The doctor told this Mr. Todoroki, but I guess he told me too!

"I-I have Amnesia? What did I do?" I asked the doctor.

"You were trying to get your friend, Iida Juno, to safety, but with your injuries, plus the electricity was strong enough to effect your brain, you were diagnosed with Amnesia. Endeavor saved you from a horrible tragedy that could've happened," Looking at the boy who claimed to be my boyfriend, his features read that he's distraught and he looked down, whimpers escaping his mouth.

"Wh-Who am I?" I asked.

"Aizawa Miwa, daughter of All Might and Midnight, but the Hero Eraserhead took you in and raised you. You're a hero in training, and you have two Quirks. I'll let your family explain the rest," The fact that I don't even know who I am saddens me, but also I felt bad for the boy, Mr. Todoroki.

I'm the daughter of All Might?

That seems so unbelievable.

"You're my boyfriend? You're not lying?" I asked, moving his hair from his face to reveal a scar on his left side!

"I'd never lie to you. My name is Todoroki Shouto, I'm the son of Endeavor, who actually hates All Might, your dad."

"So, we had a forbidden love thing going on?"

"I guess you can say that. . ."

"Look, I'm sorry, but I can't remember anything, not even you. Will you please help me remember? I-I want to see if maybe if I can learn to love you, then I might regain my memories. . .God, that's cheesy," He chuckled.

"I'm going to help you anyway I can, I promise," He murmered, gently grabbing my hand and kidding my knuckles.


I'm dating prince charming!

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