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"shh! don't talk" what "i know you hate me, you hate us.." then I saw Lilah "but you've got to hear us out"

"no! I don't want to listen to your fucked up story" I spat

"jass you have to, I was once your bestfriend you should know this, I didn't mean to betray you but I really liked carter"

"well isn't that obvious" I hissed

"seeing you with Grey broke  me but I'm in no position to tell you that not after what I did but I can tell you this Samantha set him up, she put something in his vodka he was really out. she did that so that she could see you apart and it looks like she won, you let her win Jass and I think he found out" after hearing all that I felt cold and guilt but is he telling the truth?

"why should I believe you?"

"because Jass, I'm the one who doesn't like Grey so if this is coming from me then you should know its true" I was going to speak then Lilah spoke

"and Jass you should act up fast because I over heard Adam and Jade talking, hunter is leaving town" after that, they jumped out of the window leaving me there like a train without battery.

I tried calling Kylie and Naomi but nothing. I didn't want to call him so I ran downstairs mom and dad were not there. I ran out to Hunters house.

"good evening MR Grey" I greeted him with a smile a forced smile, I spoke before he answered "please is Hunter home?"

"Jasmine eh? Hunter isn't in, he went to his grandma for a few and he was talking about transfer. everything ok with you two?" i didn't even know what to say after this. I think i nodded and slowly walked away..

I really I'm stupid i didn't give him a chance to explain i just shut him out and now he's gone maybe for good. This is fucked up.

I cant go home so i went somewhere that would remind me of him. i went to the woods. I sat  down close to the pool and cried so hard. i heard footsteps coming my way i was scared but i couldn't move but when i turned, i saw Grey.

"Hunter I..im so sorry i should have let you explain. I'm sorry" i said and started going closer

"talk to me please, say something" still nothing

" i understand if you don't want to talk to me, i shouldn't have judged you"

Still nothing " ok don't fucking..." and then he started laughing then he carried me and tossed me into the pool, he looked at me and smiled that priceless smile.

"princess, my princess don't cry" he said softly

"but you weren't going to answer me, you were going to leave you were going to fucking leave me"

he chuckled  "Jasmine i would never leave you, i was finding answers i want to be good for you, be better."

"But you and your flaws make you who you are Hunter Grey and I love you like that don't ever change. Please"

"You love me?" He asked and I nodded

"No nodding please"

"Yes Hunter I love you" before I could say more I have my lads lips on mine then we pulled apart

"I love you Macron and I'm sorry about what happened between Saman.."

"No Grey don't..don't mention her name"  we looked at each other for a while then left the pool after. We went to my house to grab my things and headed straight to Hunters.

After dinner, we went upstairs  to Hunters room. I say at the edge of the bed

"Jasmine you know I really love you eh?" He asked and I nodded "I wouldn't hurt you baby, not ever" I was about to reply when my phone started ringing.

"Who's it?" I asked him  then he mouthed 'mom'
"Hey mom!" I screamed after hearing what she said. OMG!!!!!!
A/n nothing tragic😂

"Jasmine my love! A letter came you have been accepted in Manchester" I cut the call immediately. Hunter looked at me impatiently waiting to hear why I screamed that way

"Hunterrrr!!!! The letter came I have been accepted I did it. I fucking did it!" He screamed too and I hugged him so tight.

"So will you live with me when we get there?" He asked with hope in his eyes

"I don't know should I live with you? Uhmm" I said and smiled

"I like it when you're like this you look all cute and adorable" he said "so fucking cute" he added and I blushed. He came closer and the tension was rising 

"Hunter I'm ready" I said and he looked deep into my eyes.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to think you have to do this to prove a point" i rushed to kiss him, we moved in perfect sync it was a rough yet lovely kiss! The best way we've ever kissed.  This was going going into something, something bigger. We were going to take the next step and I know I'm ready and what we're about to do is going to change everything and its going to change us.
I slid my hand into his chest and before I could tell there were growing pile of clothes and everything was lust and beautiful. And know I Jasmine George Macron, has left the virgin circle!

We layed tangled,I felt very much alive it was amazing that was the best thing I had ever done in my life.

"Was..was I good" I asked and blushed

"Silly girl, I have never felt like that...Fuck! It was fucking mind blowing. I love you Macron" he said and kissed my forehead. God I love him!  How can I ever love anyone the way I love him. It felt so good in his arms but what feels better is I'm his and he's mine.
Its a new sensation you see maybe you wouldn't get what I'm feeling until you feel what I'm feeling.

"I won't ever hurt you Jasmine,that I promise you" I smiled

"Grey, don't give me hope if theres nothing to this"

he stopped caressing my hair and said "There's something to this. Hell this is everything, you are everything; you're hell and you're heaven it won't always be rainbows and unicorns but I promise I'll always be there I'll always let you in, I love you so much baby"
A/n 😭😭😭

"You're my infinity princess"

"You're my lad" then he smirked

"Same old Grey" I said and he smiled this time

I want to spend the rest of my life with him,I know it'll be infinite even if it's not for a long time it'll be our little infinity and I will be happy till eternity.

You see there's a thin line between hate and love, you can't hate them when they give you erupting butterflies when they ignite fire inside you you can't just hate them!

Who knew Hunter "fucking" Grey would be my Hunter Grey?! Well now he is

Always and forever❤



Shout out to  Khadijah Fika,Rabiah Ahmad Maimuna and Khayree,Thank you for reading my every chapter in class for Khadijah at home and she helped me type most of the chapters😄 Khadijah Mukhtar whom introduced me to watt pad and encouraged me to write and publish my stories since from "her trusted" Thank you and also Fatimah Shemah❤❤❤

You should all read "El Hermosa divas" and wait for my next book "best mistake"

Thank you


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