Life's Pattern

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We all know life has its up and downs, but it's how we look at it that makes it different. Life must move on and to do so sacrifices must be made, hearts broken, and lives lost. Life has its own pattern. For one thing to be born, another must die, it's the circle of life. The seasons shows one of life's pattern. Flowers and plants dying in the fall and winter and born again in the spring and summer. Each season has its own beauty to cherish. 

Spring you can watch the flowers and trees blossom. New life emerges and babies animals wander around in peace. Summer you have the warm breezes that hit your face, the sun warming your face, and the beauty of nature all around you. All this has to end and so fall begins. The flowers begin to wilt, leaves begin to turn into brilliant colors of red, orange and yellow, and animals begin to migrate. However, it creates its own beauty, seeing the trees from a mountain or animals hiding in the forests. Winter settles in and snow begins to fall, covering the ground with a small sheet of snow. The sun rises and the snow begins to glisten. Going for a walk in the forest and seeing all the different footprints, showing where nature has taken its course. Then finally spring comes again, the snow melts and flowers and trees blossom. Life has start again.

The seasons are not the only thing that have this pattern. We humans experience it every day. How one day your life seems perfect and in moments it can change forever. Nothing is certain, everything will change. Even if we planned our life perfectly, had everything set up for us, something can always happen. Life allows us to take on challenges and to forgive and forget because that it the only way we will move on. We go through life, experiencing all that we can, showing our sons and daughters what there is to learn about life. Then eventually we pass and let our children do the same. We live, we teach, and we pass, that is our cycle.

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