Hoffman starts grinding and Amanda while cum is pouring into her pussy.
Amanda starts moaning loudly.
Hoffman doesn't stop as he know she will regret if she doesn't get this experience with him.
Hoffman thinks for a moment and slows down and eventually stops.
Amanda: why have you stoped are you ok?
Hoffman: yes I'm good but... can we talk?
Amanda: sure
Hoffman: are you ok with this and you are not just doing this so that I am good
Amanda: No Mark I love you.
Hoffman: I just don't want you doing this just because I want to.
Amanda grabs Hoffmans crotch.
Hoffman grabs her body and slams her onto the bed and starts slowly fucking Amanda.
Amanda starts to moan and grabs Hoffmans back.
While fucking Amanda,Hoffman starts kissing Amanda's neck.
Amanda hears a door close but thinks nothing of it and carrys on moaning...