chapter 10

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X: Hey babe

When I read those two words, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I can't believe that he cheated on me. He's only been gone for a month, and he already found someone new.

I look down to where he was a I looked at his face. The face that I use to love, the face that made me fall in love, the face that cheated on me. I started to cry. After everything I did for him, this is what I get in return.

I can't bear to look at his face anymore. I have to go back to California, now. I will just tell him that I had to go. But what if he notices my red puffy face. He would know that I was crying.

I get up from the couch, trying not to wake Daniel up. I walked to his room and I grabbed all of my stuff. I leave a note on the table and I looked at him one more time. I use to love him, but not anymore.


I get on the plane and I wait for the plane to leave. I feel my phone buzz, and I see who it is. It's Daniel. I don't even want to read his text. I turn my phone off and I wait.

I feel the plane move and I looked out the window, and I see New York one more time. Than we are so high up that I can't see it anymore. I looked on my phone and I see that I have four miss calls and seven text messages. I already know that they are all from Daniel.

I decided to just fall asleep. I just wanted every emotion in my body to go away. I wanted everything to be quite. And I wanted to be with Daniel, but I know if I go back than I will regret it, big time.

◆~◆Time skip◆~◆

I wake up and I see that we already landed. I looked out the window and I see my home, California. I see everyone getting their bags and getting off the plane. I looked on my phone one more time and I have twenty-four message and twelve missed calls. I looked to see who it was even though I know who they were from.

I get off the plane and I looked around for my bags. I then realized that I am still wearing Daniel's clothes. I don't want to be wearing this. As soon as I get home I'm changing.

I looked at all of the bags and I see mine. I get it and I go outside and I call Alex. I call him and I see if he can take me home.

Alex: Hello?

Joey: Hey Alex, um can you pick me up from the airport?

Alex: Sure, but why are you at the airport?

Joey: Because I was in New York, and now I need a ride to my house.

Alex: Why, what happened?

Joey: I don't want to talk about it.

Alex: Ok, I'll be right there.

Joey: Ok, Bye.

Than he hung up. I was waiting outside for him. I went on my phone and I went to my contacts, and clicked on Daniel's name. I read all of his texts, and when I read the last one, it made me cry. It said "are you braking up with me?" I wanted to text back so bad, but I didn't.

I was waiting and I hear a beep. I looked up and it was Alex and Lauren. I looked at them and I see that they were eating something. Alex was eating Gushers and Lauren was eating chocolate. I kinda want some though. I walk up to there car and I go to the back seat.

Alex: Do you want some?

He asked and held the Gushers up.

Joey: Sure.

I said and he handed me a Gusher packet. I started to tear the packet open and I started to eat them. They were good.

I fell the car stop and I looked out side and I see my house. I thank them for the ride and say bye and close the car door. I walk up to my door and unlock it. I go upstairs and I lay on my bed and I just stay there and stare at the ceiling, and think of life. I started to cry at one point. I just missed Daniel so much. I can't believe that he cheated. I loved him, but now I love him less.


Hey guys it's me. I'm back. I hope you like this chapter. I worked hard to make it perfect. I got bored, and I just wanted to write this.


He Stole My Heart (A Janiel Fanfic) By: danieljoeygraceffaWhere stories live. Discover now