Chapter 11

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Today 9-3-2017

Daniel's P.O.V

I wake up and I don't see Joey by my side anymore. He probably went to the restroom. I got up and I went to the restroom to see if he was there. He wasn't. I walked to the kitchen and I see a note on the island. It said.


I went back to California. I didn't want to wake you up so I just wrote this note for you when you woke up. I love you ;)


He went back to California, and he didn't tell me. Something is wrong, but what. I decided to call him. I called but he don't pick up. I called him again, but still, no answer. His phone probably died, right. Or its off. Or he could be ignoring me.

I haven't told Joey yet, but I found this amazing guy, mark at my job, he was so funny, nice, and he was kinda cute too. He asked me if I had a boyfriend and I said yes. But we did exchange numbers so we can get in contact. He started calling me babe for some reason. I didn't mind though.

I decided to call Mark and tell him that Joey went back home without telling me.

Mark: Hello?

Daniel: Hey, Mark. Umm....can I tell you something plz. It's super important to me.

Mark: Yeah, sure. What is it.

Daniel: Actually, can we meet up somewhere, because I don't think that I can say this on the phone.

Mark: Umm, yeah, sure. Where do you want to meet up?

Daniel: We can meet up at the park.

Mark: Ok, bye babe

Then he hung up. I walked to my room and changed, than I walked to the living room to get my keys, and I go out the door.

I was at the park and I see mark on a bench looking around. I walk over to him and he looks at me. I walked to the bench and I just start talking about Joey.

Mark: So, what did you want to talk about?

Daniel: I wanted to talk about my boyfriend. He came to visit me and I was so happy, than we spent the rest of the day together just catching up. But this morning, not to long ago, I woke up to a note and it said that he went back to California. But he didn't even say bye to me, he just....left.

Mark: But, why did he leave without telling you bye?

Daniel: I don't know. I tried calling him, but he didn't answer.

Mark: Maybe, he needs a break.

Daniel: But we just spent 2 months without each other, and that was pretty much a long break.

Mark: yeah, your right. I mean he could be breaking up with you.

Daniel: Your right, he could. I don't want to lose him though. I love him, more than anything.


So guys, I have news. I'm going to end this book. And before you say anything, yes I am going to make a sequel to this book. But I don't know when I am going to publish the sequel. So don't worry there WILL be a sequel, but I don't know when. But anyway,


He Stole My Heart (A Janiel Fanfic) By: danieljoeygraceffaWhere stories live. Discover now